kiwi.tasks package


kiwi.tasks.base Module

class kiwi.tasks.base.CliTask(should_perform_task_setup: bool = True)[source]

Bases: object

Base class for all task classes, loads the task and provides the interface to the command options and the XML description


  • should_perform_task_setup

    Indicates if the task should perform the setup steps which covers the following task configurations: * setup debug level * setup logfile * setup color output

attr_token(option: str) List[bool | str | List[str] | None][source]

Helper method for commandline options of the form –option attribute=value


option (str) – attribute=value string


common option value representation

Return type:


eleventuple_token(option: str) List[bool | str | List[str] | None][source]

Helper method for commandline options of the form –option a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k

Make sure to provide a common result for option values which separates the information in a comma separated list of values


option (str) – comma separated option string


common option value representation

Return type:


load_xml_description(description_directory: str, kiwi_file: str = '') None[source]

Load, upgrade, validate XML description

  • description_directory (str) – Path to the image description

  • kiwi_file (str) – Basename of kiwi file which contains the main image configuration elements. If not specified kiwi searches for a file named config.xml or a file matching .kiwi

quadruple_token(option: str) List[bool | str | List[str] | None][source]

Helper method for commandline options of the form –option a,b,c,d

Make sure to provide a common result for option values which separates the information in a comma separated list of values


option (str) – comma separated option string


common option value representation

Return type:


run_checks(checks: Dict[str, List[str]]) None[source]

This method runs the given runtime checks excluding the ones disabled in the runtime configuration file.


checks (dict) – A dictionary with the runtime method names as keys and their arguments list as the values.

kiwi.tasks.result_bundle Module

class kiwi.tasks.result_bundle.ResultBundleTask(should_perform_task_setup: bool = True)[source]

Bases: CliTask

Implements result bundler


  • manual

    Instance of Help


Create result bundle from the image build results in the specified target directory. Each result image will contain the specified bundle identifier as part of its filename. Uncompressed image files will also become xz compressed and a sha sum will be created from every result image

kiwi.tasks.result_list Module

class kiwi.tasks.result_list.ResultListTask(should_perform_task_setup: bool = True)[source]

Bases: CliTask

Implements result listing


  • manual

    Instance of Help


List result information from a previous system command

kiwi.tasks.system_build Module

class kiwi.tasks.system_build.SystemBuildTask(should_perform_task_setup: bool = True)[source]

Bases: CliTask

Implements building of system images


  • manual

    Instance of Help


Build a system image from the specified description. The build command combines the prepare and create commands

kiwi.tasks.system_create Module

class kiwi.tasks.system_create.SystemCreateTask(should_perform_task_setup: bool = True)[source]

Bases: CliTask

Implements creation of system images


  • manual

    Instance of Help


Create a system image from the specified root directory the root directory is the result of a system prepare command

kiwi.tasks.system_prepare Module

class kiwi.tasks.system_prepare.SystemPrepareTask(should_perform_task_setup: bool = True)[source]

Bases: CliTask

Implements preparation and installation of a new root system


  • manual

    Instance of Help


Prepare and install a new system for chroot access

kiwi.tasks.system_update Module

class kiwi.tasks.system_update.SystemUpdateTask(should_perform_task_setup: bool = True)[source]

Bases: CliTask

Implements update and maintenance of root systems


  • manual

    Instance of Help


Update root system with latest repository updates and optionally allow to add or delete packages. the options to add or delete packages can be used multiple times

Module Contents