# Copyright (c) 2015 SUSE Linux GmbH. All rights reserved.
# This file is part of kiwi.
# kiwi is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# kiwi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with kiwi. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
import os
import logging
import glob
from typing import (
List, Dict, Optional, Union, Any
from operator import attrgetter
# project
from kiwi.cli import Cli
from kiwi.xml_state import XMLState
from kiwi.xml_description import XMLDescription
from kiwi.runtime_checker import RuntimeChecker
from kiwi.exceptions import (
log: Any = logging.getLogger('kiwi')
class CliTask:
Base class for all task classes, loads the task and provides
the interface to the command options and the XML description
* :attr:`should_perform_task_setup`
Indicates if the task should perform the setup steps
which covers the following task configurations:
* setup debug level
* setup logfile
* setup color output
def __init__(self, should_perform_task_setup: bool = True) -> None:
self.cli = Cli()
# initialize runtime checker
self.runtime_checker: Optional[RuntimeChecker] = None
# help requested
# load/import task module
self.task = self.cli.load_command()
# get command specific args
self.command_args = self.cli.get_command_args()
# get global args
self.global_args = self.cli.get_global_args()
# initialize generic runtime check dicts
self.checks_before_command_args: Dict[str, List[str]] = {
'check_image_version_provided': [],
'check_efi_mode_for_disk_overlay_correctly_setup': [],
'check_initrd_selection_required': [],
'check_boot_description_exists': [],
'check_consistent_kernel_in_boot_and_system_image': [],
'check_container_tool_chain_installed': [],
'check_volume_setup_defines_reserved_labels': [],
'check_volume_setup_defines_multiple_fullsize_volumes': [],
'check_volume_setup_has_no_root_definition': [],
'check_volume_label_used_with_lvm': [],
'check_swap_name_used_with_lvm': [],
'check_xen_uniquely_setup_as_server_or_guest': [],
'check_mediacheck_installed': [],
'check_dracut_module_for_live_iso_in_package_list': [],
'check_dracut_module_for_disk_overlay_in_package_list': [],
'check_dracut_module_for_disk_oem_in_package_list': [],
'check_dracut_module_for_oem_install_in_package_list': [],
'check_appx_naming_conventions_valid': [],
'check_image_type_unique': [],
'check_include_references_unresolvable': [],
'check_luksformat_options_valid': [],
'check_partuuid_persistency_type_used_with_mbr': [],
'check_efi_fat_image_has_correct_size': []
self.checks_after_command_args: Dict[str, List[str]] = {
'check_repositories_configured': [],
'check_image_include_repos_publicly_resolvable': []
if should_perform_task_setup:
# set log file
if self.global_args['--logfile']:
# set log socket
if self.global_args['--logsocket']:
# set log level
if self.global_args['--loglevel']:
except ValueError:
# Not a numeric log level, stick with the default
# which is INFO
elif self.global_args['--debug']:
if self.global_args['--logfile'] == 'stdout':
# deactivate standard console logger by setting
# the highest possible log entry level
log.setLogLevel(logging.CRITICAL, except_for=['file', 'socket'])
elif self.global_args['--logfile']:
# set debug level for the file and socket logger
log.setLogLevel(logging.DEBUG, only_for=['file', 'socket'])
# set log flags
if self.global_args['--debug-run-scripts-in-screen']:
if self.global_args['--color-output']:
# initialize runtime configuration
# import RuntimeConfig late to make sure the logging setup applies
from kiwi.runtime_config import RuntimeConfig
self.runtime_config = RuntimeConfig()
def load_xml_description(
self, description_directory: str, kiwi_file: str = ''
) -> None:
Load, upgrade, validate XML description
:param str description_directory:
Path to the image description
:param str kiwi_file:
Basename of kiwi file which contains the main
image configuration elements. If not specified
kiwi searches for a file named config.xml or
a file matching .kiwi
log.info('Loading XML description')
if kiwi_file:
config_file = os.sep.join([description_directory, kiwi_file])
config_file = os.sep.join([description_directory, '/config.xml'])
if not os.path.exists(config_file):
# alternative config file lookup location
config_file = description_directory + '/image/config.xml'
if not os.path.exists(config_file):
# glob config file search, first match wins
glob_match = description_directory + '/*.kiwi'
for kiwi_file in sorted(glob.iglob(glob_match)):
config_file = kiwi_file
if not os.path.exists(config_file):
raise KiwiConfigFileNotFound(
'no XML description found in %s' % description_directory
self.description = XMLDescription(
self.xml_data = self.description.load()
self.config_file = config_file.replace('//', '/')
self.xml_state = XMLState(
log.info('--> loaded %s', self.config_file)
if self.xml_state.build_type:
'--> Selected build type: %s',
if self.xml_state.profiles:
'--> Selected profiles: %s',
self.runtime_checker = RuntimeChecker(self.xml_state)
def quadruple_token(
self, option: str
) -> List[Union[bool, str, List[str], None]]:
Helper method for commandline options of the form --option a,b,c,d
Make sure to provide a common result for option values which
separates the information in a comma separated list of values
:param str option: comma separated option string
:return: common option value representation
:rtype: list
return self._ntuple_token(option, 4)
def tentuple_token(
self, option: str
) -> List[Union[bool, str, List[str], None]]:
Helper method for commandline options of the
form --option a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j
Make sure to provide a common result for option values which
separates the information in a comma separated list of values
:param str option: comma separated option string
:return: common option value representation
:rtype: list
return self._ntuple_token(option, 10)
def attr_token(
self, option: str
) -> List[Union[bool, str, List[str], None]]:
Helper method for commandline options of the
form --option attribute=value
:param str option: attribute=value string
:return: common option value representation
:rtype: list
return self._ntuple_token(option, 2, '=')
def run_checks(self, checks: Dict[str, List[str]]) -> None:
This method runs the given runtime checks excluding the ones disabled
in the runtime configuration file.
:param dict checks: A dictionary with the runtime method names as keys
and their arguments list as the values.
exclude_list = self.runtime_config.get_disabled_runtime_checks()
if self.runtime_checker is not None:
for method, args in {
key: value for key, value in checks.items()
if key not in exclude_list
def _pop_token(self, tokens: List[str]) -> Union[bool, str, List[str]]:
token = tokens.pop(0)
if len(token) > 0 and token == 'true':
return True
elif len(token) > 0 and token == 'false':
return False
elif len(token) > 0 and token.startswith('{'):
return token.replace('{', '').replace('}', '').split(';')
return token
def _ntuple_token(
self, option: str, tuple_count: int, separator: str = ','
) -> List[Union[bool, str, List[str], None]]:
Helper method for commandline options of the form --option a,b,c,d,e,f
Make sure to provide a common result for option values which
separates the information in a comma separated list of values
:param str option: comma separated option string
:param int tuple_count: divide into tuple_count tuples
:return: common option value representation
:rtype: list
tokens = option.split(separator, tuple_count - 1) if option else []
return [
self._pop_token(tokens) if len(tokens) else None for _ in range(
0, tuple_count