Image Description


This document explains the toplevel structure of the KIWI NG image description document for version 10.1.15

Main Root


The mandatory <image> element represents the root (top-level element) of an image description. All other elements must be descendants of this element. There can be only one image element.

Image Identity


The mandatory <description> element contains information about the author, contact, license and the specification about the use case of this image. All data together forms the identity card of the image. There can be only one description element

Image Preferences


The mandatory <preferences> element contains information to classify the image and to describe the layout. All data about the image type, its version, the partition layout and much more is specified here. There can be multiple preferences elements

Image Software Sources


The mandatory <repository> element contains information where to find the software packages that are used to build the image. There can be multiple repository elements

Image Content Setup


The mandatory <packages> element contains information to list which software should be installed from the configured repositories into the image. Software can be defined as names for packages, collections, archives or products. There can be multiple packages elements

Image Users


The optional <users> element contains information about system users to be created inside of the image. There can be multiple users elements

Image Namespace


The optional <profiles> element contains information to create one or more namespaces to an image description. The namespace can be used with any of the above elements and therefore tie them into a namespace which can be selected at call time of KIWI NG

Image Includes

<include from="file://filename.xml"/>

The optional <include> element allows to drop in the contents of the specified filename.xml file at the place were the include statement was specified in the document. The include statement is only allowed as descendant of the root (top-level element) of the image description.