Source code for kiwi.tasks.result_bundle

# Copyright (c) 2015 SUSE Linux GmbH.  All rights reserved.
# This file is part of kiwi.
# kiwi is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# kiwi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with kiwi.  If not, see <>
usage: kiwi-ng result bundle -h | --help
       kiwi-ng result bundle --target-dir=<directory> --id=<bundle_id> --bundle-dir=<directory>
       kiwi-ng result bundle help

        create result bundle from the image build results in the
        specified target directory. Each result image will contain
        the specified bundle identifier as part of its filename.
        Uncompressed image files will also become xz compressed
        and a sha sum will be created from every result image.

        directory to store the bundle results
        the bundle id. A free form text appended to the version
        information of the result image filename
        the target directory to expect image build results
        specify the download location from which the bundle file(s)
        can be fetched from. The information is effective if zsync is
        used to sync the bundle. The zsync control file is only created
        for those bundle files which are marked for compression because
        in a kiwi build only those are meaningful for a partial binary
        file download. It is expected that all files from a bundle
        are placed to the same download location
        Take all result files and create an rpm package out of it
        specify the bundle format to create the bundle.
        If provided this setting will overwrite an eventually
        provided bundle_format attribute from the main
        image description
from collections import OrderedDict
from textwrap import dedent
from typing import List
import logging
import glob
import os

# project
from kiwi.tasks.base import CliTask
from import Help
from kiwi.system.result import (
    Result, result_file_type
from kiwi.path import Path
from kiwi.utils.compress import Compress
from kiwi.utils.checksum import Checksum
from kiwi.privileges import Privileges
from kiwi.command import Command

from kiwi.exceptions import (

log = logging.getLogger('kiwi')

[docs] class ResultBundleTask(CliTask): """ Implements result bundler Attributes * :attr:`manual` Instance of Help """
[docs] def process(self): """ Create result bundle from the image build results in the specified target directory. Each result image will contain the specified bundle identifier as part of its filename. Uncompressed image files will also become xz compressed and a sha sum will be created from every result image """ self.manual = Help() if self._help(): return if self.command_args['--package-as-rpm']: Privileges.check_for_root_permissions() # load serialized result object from target directory result_directory = os.path.abspath(self.command_args['--target-dir']) bundle_directory = os.path.abspath(self.command_args['--bundle-dir']) if result_directory == bundle_directory: raise KiwiBundleError( 'Bundle directory must be different from target directory' ) 'Bundle build results from %s', result_directory ) result = Result.load( result_directory + '/kiwi.result' ) if self.command_args['--bundle-format']: result.add_bundle_format(self.command_args['--bundle-format']) image_version = result.xml_state.get_image_version() image_name = result.xml_state.xml_data.get_name() image_description = result.xml_state.get_description_section() ordered_results = OrderedDict(sorted(result.get_results().items())) # hard link bundle files, compress and build checksum if self.command_args['--package-as-rpm']: Path.wipe(bundle_directory) if not os.path.exists(bundle_directory): Path.create(bundle_directory) bundle_file_format_name = '' if 'bundle_format' in ordered_results: bundle_format = ordered_results['bundle_format'] tags = bundle_format['tags'] bundle_file_format_name = bundle_format['pattern'] # Insert image name bundle_file_format_name = bundle_file_format_name.replace( '%N', tags.N ) # Insert Concatenated profile name (_) bundle_file_format_name = bundle_file_format_name.replace( '%P', tags.P ) # Insert Architecture name bundle_file_format_name = bundle_file_format_name.replace( '%A', tags.A ) # Insert Image build type name bundle_file_format_name = bundle_file_format_name.replace( '%T', tags.T ) # Insert Image Major version number bundle_file_format_name = bundle_file_format_name.replace( '%M', format(tags.M) ) # Insert Image Minor version number bundle_file_format_name = bundle_file_format_name.replace( '%m', format(tags.m) ) # Insert Image Patch version number bundle_file_format_name = bundle_file_format_name.replace( '%p', format(tags.p) ) # Insert Version string bundle_file_format_name = bundle_file_format_name.replace( '%v', format(tags.v) ) # Insert Bundle ID bundle_file_format_name = bundle_file_format_name.replace( '%I', self.command_args['--id'] ) del ordered_results['bundle_format'] # copy result files origin_files = [] copied_files = [] for result_file in list(ordered_results.values()): if result_file.use_for_bundle: bundle_file_basename = self._get_bundle_file_basename( result, result_file, bundle_file_format_name )'Creating %s', bundle_file_basename) bundle_file = ''.join( [bundle_directory, '/', bundle_file_basename] ) [ 'cp', result_file.filename, bundle_file ] ) copied_files.append(bundle_file) result_file_basename = os.path.basename(result_file.filename) if result_file_basename != bundle_file_basename: symlink_orignal_name = f'{bundle_directory}/{result_file_basename}' if os.path.islink(symlink_orignal_name): os.unlink(symlink_orignal_name) os.symlink(bundle_file, symlink_orignal_name) origin_files.append(symlink_orignal_name) # check and fix file references due to possible bundle_format renames for origin_file in origin_files: origin_file_basename = os.path.basename(origin_file) bundle_file_basename = os.path.basename(os.readlink(origin_file))'Checking file references for {origin_file_basename}') for result_file in copied_files: if 'text' in['file', result_file]).output:'--> {result_file}') [ 'sed', '-ie', f's/{origin_file_basename}/{bundle_file_basename}/g', result_file ] ) os.unlink(f'{result_file}e') os.unlink(origin_file) # finalize result data, checksums, compressions for result_file in list(ordered_results.values()): if result_file.use_for_bundle: bundle_file_basename = self._get_bundle_file_basename( result, result_file, bundle_file_format_name )'Finalizing {bundle_file_basename}') bundle_file = ''.join( [bundle_directory, '/', bundle_file_basename] ) if result_file.compress:'--> Compressing') compress = Compress(bundle_file) bundle_file = compress.xz(self.runtime_config.get_xz_options()) if self.command_args['--zsync-source'] and result_file.shasum: # Files with a checksum are considered to be image files # and are therefore eligible to be provided via the # requested Partial/differential file download based on # zsync zsyncmake = Path.which('zsyncmake', access_mode=os.X_OK) if zsyncmake:'--> Creating zsync control file') [ zsyncmake, '-e', '-u', os.sep.join( [ self.command_args['--zsync-source'], os.path.basename(bundle_file) ] ), '-o', bundle_file + '.zsync', bundle_file ] ) else: log.warning( '--> zsyncmake missing, zsync setup skipped' ) if result_file.shasum:'--> Creating SHA 256 sum') checksum = Checksum(bundle_file) with open(bundle_file + '.sha256', 'w') as shasum: shasum.write( '{0} {1}{2}'.format( checksum.sha256(), os.path.basename(bundle_file), os.linesep ) ) if self.command_args['--package-as-rpm']: ResultBundleTask._build_rpm_package( bundle_directory, bundle_file_format_name or image_name, image_version, image_description.specification, list(glob.iglob(f'{bundle_directory}/*')) )
def _get_bundle_file_basename( self, result: Result, result_file: result_file_type, bundle_file_format_name: str ) -> str: image_version = result.xml_state.get_image_version() image_name = result.xml_state.xml_data.get_name() extension = result_file.filename.split('.').pop() if bundle_file_format_name: bundle_file_basename = '.'.join( [bundle_file_format_name, extension] ) else: bundle_file_basename = os.path.basename( result_file.filename ) # The bundle id is only taken into account for image results # which contains the image version appended in its file name part_name = list(bundle_file_basename.partition(image_name)) bundle_file_basename = ''.join( [ part_name[0], part_name[1], part_name[2].replace( image_version, image_version + '-' + self.command_args['--id'] ) ] ) return bundle_file_basename @staticmethod def _build_rpm_package( bundle_directory: str, image_name: str, image_version: str, description_text, filenames: List[str] ) -> None: source_links = [] for source_file in filenames: source_links.append( ' '.join( [ 'ln', '%{_sourcedir}/' + os.path.basename(source_file), '%{buildroot}' + f'/var/tmp/{image_name}' ] ) ) spec_file_name = os.path.join(bundle_directory, f'{image_name}.spec') spec_data = dedent(''' %global _sourcedir %(pwd) %global _rpmdir . Url: Name: {name} Summary: {name} Version: {version} Release: 0 Group: %{{sysgroup}} License: GPL-3.0-or-later BuildRoot: %{{_tmppath}}/%{{name}}-%{{version}}-build BuildArch: noarch %description {description} %prep %build %install install -d -m 755 %{{buildroot}}/var/tmp/{name} {source_links} %clean rm -rf %{{buildroot}} %files %defattr(-, root, root) /var/tmp/{name} %changelog ''').format( name=image_name, version=image_version, description=description_text, source_links=os.linesep.join(source_links) ) with open(spec_file_name, 'w') as spec: spec.write(spec_data) os.chdir(bundle_directory)'Creating rpm package...') [ 'rpmbuild', '--nodeps', '--nocheck', '--rmspec', '-bb', spec_file_name ] ) for source_file in filenames: os.unlink(source_file) [ 'bash', '-c', 'mv noarch/*.rpm . && rmdir noarch' ] ) def _help(self): if self.command_args['help']:'kiwi::result::bundle') else: return False return self.manual