Source code for

# Copyright (c) 2015 SUSE Linux GmbH.  All rights reserved.
# This file is part of kiwi.
# kiwi is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# kiwi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with kiwi.  If not, see <>
from typing import Dict
import os

# project
from kiwi.system.result import Result
from import DiskFormatBase
from kiwi.command import Command
from import (

from kiwi.exceptions import (

[docs] class DiskFormatVmdk(DiskFormatBase): """ Create vmdk disk format """
[docs] def post_init(self, custom_args: Dict) -> None: """ vmdk disk format post initialization method Store qemu options as list from custom args dict :param dict custom_args: custom qemu arguments dictionary """ self.image_format = 'vmdk' self.options = self.get_qemu_option_list(custom_args)
[docs] def create_image_format(self) -> None: """ Create vmdk disk format and machine settings file """ [ 'qemu-img', 'convert', '-f', 'raw', self.diskname, '-O', 'vmdk' ] + self.options + [ self.get_target_file_path_for_format('vmdk') ] ) self._create_vmware_settings_file()
[docs] def store_to_result(self, result: Result) -> None: """ Store result files of the vmdk format conversion into the provided result instance. This includes the vmdk image file and the VMware settings file :param object result: Instance of Result """ compression = self.runtime_config.get_bundle_compression(default=False) if self.xml_state.get_luks_credentials() is not None: compression = False result.add( key='disk_format_image', filename=self.get_target_file_path_for_format('vmdk'), use_for_bundle=True, compress=compression, shasum=True ) result.add( key='disk_format_machine_settings', filename=self.get_target_file_path_for_format( 'vmx' ), use_for_bundle=True, compress=False, shasum=False )
def _create_vmware_settings_file(self): """ In order to run a vmdk image in VMware products a settings file is needed or the possibility to convert machine settings into an ovf via VMware's proprietary ovftool """ displayname = self.xml_state.xml_data.get_displayname() template_record = { 'display_name': displayname or self.xml_state.xml_data.get_name(), 'vmdk_file': os.path.basename(self.get_target_file_path_for_format('vmdk')), 'virtual_hardware_version': '9', 'guest_os': 'suse-64', 'disk_id': '0' } # Basic setup machine_setup = self.xml_state.get_build_type_machine_section() memory_setup = None cpu_setup = None if machine_setup: memory_setup = machine_setup.get_memory() hardware_version = machine_setup.get_HWversion() guest_os = machine_setup.get_guestOS() cpu_setup = machine_setup.get_ncpus() if hardware_version: template_record['virtual_hardware_version'] = hardware_version if guest_os: template_record['guest_os'] = guest_os if memory_setup: template_record['memory_size'] = memory_setup if cpu_setup: template_record['number_of_cpus'] = cpu_setup # CD/DVD setup iso_setup = self.xml_state.get_build_type_vmdvd_section() iso_controller = 'ide' if iso_setup: iso_controller = iso_setup.get_controller() or iso_controller template_record['iso_id'] = iso_setup.get_id() # Network setup network_entries = self.xml_state.get_build_type_vmnic_entries() network_setup = {} for network_entry in network_entries: network_setup[network_entry.get_interface() or '0'] = { 'driver': network_entry.get_driver(), 'connection_type': network_entry.get_mode(), 'mac': network_entry.get_mac() or 'generated', } # Disk setup disk_setup = self.xml_state.get_build_type_vmdisk_section() disk_controller = 'ide' if disk_setup: disk_controller = disk_setup.get_controller() or disk_controller disk_id = disk_setup.get_id() if not disk_controller == 'ide': template_record['scsi_controller_name'] = disk_controller if disk_id: template_record['disk_id'] = disk_id # Addition custom entries custom_entries = self.xml_state.get_build_type_vmconfig_entries() # Build settings template and write settings file settings_template = VmwareSettingsTemplate().get_template( memory_setup, cpu_setup, network_setup, iso_setup, disk_controller, iso_controller ) try: settings_file = self.get_target_file_path_for_format('vmx') with open(settings_file, 'w') as config: config.write(settings_template.substitute(template_record)) for custom_entry in custom_entries: config.write(custom_entry + os.linesep) except Exception as e: raise KiwiTemplateError( '%s: %s' % (type(e).__name__, format(e)) )