Source code for

# Copyright (c) 2015 SUSE Linux GmbH.  All rights reserved.
# This file is part of kiwi.
# kiwi is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# kiwi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with kiwi.  If not, see <>
import importlib
from typing import Dict, Optional, Tuple

# project
from import DiskFormatBase
from kiwi.xml_state import XMLState
from kiwi.exceptions import KiwiDiskFormatSetupError

[docs] class DiskFormat: """ **DiskFormat factory** :param string name: Format name :param object xml_state: Instance of XMLState :param string root_dir: root directory path name :param string target_dir: target directory path name """
[docs] @staticmethod def new( name: str, xml_state: XMLState, root_dir: str, target_dir: str ) -> DiskFormatBase: name_map = { 'qcow2': 'Qcow2', 'vdi': 'Vdi', 'vhd': 'Vhd', 'vhdx': 'Vhdx', 'vhdfixed': 'VhdFixed', 'gce': 'Gce', 'vmdk': 'Vmdk', 'ova': 'Ova', 'vagrant_libvirt': 'VagrantLibVirt', 'vagrant_virtualbox': 'VagrantVirtualBox', 'base': 'Base' } module_namespace: Optional[str] = None try: custom_args, module_namespace = DiskFormat.\ _custom_args_for_format(name, xml_state) diskformat = importlib.import_module( f'{module_namespace}' ) module_name = f'DiskFormat{name_map[module_namespace]}' return diskformat.__dict__[module_name]( xml_state, root_dir, target_dir, custom_args ) except Exception as issue: raise KiwiDiskFormatSetupError( f'No support for {module_namespace} disk format: {issue}' )
@staticmethod def _custom_args_for_format(name: str, xml_state: XMLState) -> Tuple[Dict, str]: custom_args = xml_state.get_build_type_format_options() module_namespace = name if name == 'vhd-fixed': disk_tag = xml_state.build_type.get_vhdfixedtag() if disk_tag: custom_args.update( {'--tag': disk_tag} ) module_namespace = 'vhdfixed' elif name == 'gce': gce_license_tag = xml_state.build_type.get_gcelicense() if gce_license_tag: custom_args.update( {'--tag': gce_license_tag} ) elif name == 'vmdk' or name == 'ova': vmdisk_section = xml_state.get_build_type_vmdisk_section() if vmdisk_section: disk_mode = vmdisk_section.get_diskmode() disk_controller = vmdisk_section.get_controller() if disk_mode: custom_args.update( {'subformat={0}'.format(disk_mode): None} ) if disk_controller: custom_args.update( {'adapter_type={0}'.format(disk_controller): None} ) elif name == 'vagrant': vagrant_config = xml_state.get_build_type_vagrant_config_section() if vagrant_config: custom_args.update( {'vagrantconfig': vagrant_config} ) module_namespace = '{0}_{1}'.format( name, vagrant_config.get_provider() ) elif name == 'raw': module_namespace = 'base' return custom_args, module_namespace