Source code for kiwi.system.uri

# Copyright (c) 2015 SUSE Linux GmbH.  All rights reserved.
# This file is part of kiwi.
# kiwi is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# kiwi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with kiwi.  If not, see <>
import os
import re
import logging
from lxml import etree
from urllib.parse import (
    urlparse, ParseResult, quote
from urllib.request import urlopen
from urllib.request import Request
import requests
from uuid import uuid4
from typing import Optional

# project
from kiwi.defaults import Defaults
from kiwi.runtime_config import RuntimeConfig

from kiwi.exceptions import (

log = logging.getLogger('kiwi')

[docs] class Uri: """ **Normalize and manage URI types** """ def __init__( self, uri: str, repo_type: str = 'rpm-md', source_type: str = '' ): """ Manage kiwi source URIs and allow transformation into standard URLs :param str uri: URI, remote, local or metalink repository location The resource type as part of the URI can be set to one of: * http: * https: * ftp: * obs: * dir: * file: * obsrepositories: * this: The special this:// type resolve to the image description directory. The code to resolve this is not part of the Uri class because it has no state information about the image description directory. Therefore the resolving of the this:// path happens on construction of an XMLState object as part of the resolve_this_path() method. The method resolves the path into a native dir:// URI which can be properly handled here. :param str repo_type: repository type name, defaults to 'rpm-md' and is only effectively used when building inside of the open build service which maps local repositories to a specific environment :param str source_type: specify source type if the provided URI is a service. Currently only the metalink source type is handled """ self.runtime_config = RuntimeConfig() if source_type == 'metalink': uri = self._resolve_metalink_uri(uri) self.repo_type = repo_type self.uri = uri if not uri.startswith(os.sep) else ''.join( [Defaults.get_default_uri_type(), uri] ) self.remote_uri_types = { 'http': True, 'https': True, 'ftp': True, 'obs': True } self.local_uri_type = { 'dir': True, 'file': True, 'obsrepositories': True }
[docs] def translate(self, check_build_environment: bool = True) -> str: """ Translate repository location according to their URI type Depending on the URI type the provided location needs to be adapted e.g updated by the service URL in case of an open buildservice project name :raises KiwiUriStyleUnknown: if the uri scheme can't be detected, is unknown or it is inconsistent with the build environment :param bool check_build_environment: specify if the uri translation should depend on the environment the build is called in. As of today this only effects the translation result if the image build happens inside of the Open Build Service :return: translated repository location :rtype: str """ uri = urlparse(self.uri) if not uri.scheme: raise KiwiUriStyleUnknown( 'URI scheme not detected {uri}'.format(uri=self.uri) ) elif uri.scheme == 'obs': if check_build_environment and Defaults.is_buildservice_worker(): return self._buildservice_path( name=''.join([uri.netloc, uri.path]).replace(':/', ':'), fragment=uri.fragment, urischeme=uri.scheme ) else: return self._obs_project_download_link( ''.join([uri.netloc, uri.path]).replace(':/', ':') ) elif uri.scheme == 'obsrepositories': if not Defaults.is_buildservice_worker(): raise KiwiUriStyleUnknown( 'Only the buildservice can use the {0} schema'.format( uri.scheme ) ) return self._buildservice_path( name=''.join([uri.netloc, uri.path]).replace(':/', ':'), fragment=uri.fragment, urischeme=uri.scheme ) elif uri.scheme == 'dir': return self._local_path(uri.path) elif uri.scheme == 'file': return self._local_path(uri.path) elif uri.scheme.startswith('http') or uri.scheme == 'ftp': netloc = uri.netloc uri_with_credentials_pattern = '^(.*):(.*)@(.*)$' sensitive_match = re.match(uri_with_credentials_pattern, netloc) if sensitive_match: netloc = "{0}:{1}@{2}".format( quote(, quote(, ) if self._get_credentials_uri() or not uri.query: return ''.join( [uri.scheme, '://', netloc, uri.path] ) else: return ''.join( [uri.scheme, '://', netloc, uri.path, '?', uri.query] ) else: raise KiwiUriStyleUnknown( 'URI schema %s not supported' % self.uri )
[docs] @staticmethod def print_sensitive(location: str) -> str: uri_with_credentials_pattern = '^.*://(.*:.*)@.*' sensitive_match = re.match(uri_with_credentials_pattern, location) if sensitive_match: return location.replace(, '******') else: return location
[docs] def credentials_file_name(self) -> str: """ Filename to store repository credentials :return: credentials file name :rtype: str """ uri = self._get_credentials_uri() # initialize query with default credentials file name. # The information will be overwritten if the uri contains # a parameter query with a credentials parameter query = {'credentials': 'kiwiRepoCredentials'} if uri: query = dict(params.split('=') for params in uri.query.split('&')) # type: ignore return query['credentials']
[docs] def alias(self) -> str: """ Create hex representation of uuid4 If the repository definition from the XML description does not provide an alias, kiwi creates one for you. However it's better to assign a human readable alias in the XML configuration :return: alias name as hex representation of uuid4 :rtype: str """ return uuid4().hex
[docs] def is_remote(self) -> bool: """ Check if URI is a remote or local location :return: True|False :rtype: bool """ uri = urlparse(self.uri) if not uri.scheme: raise KiwiUriStyleUnknown( 'URI scheme not detected %s' % self.uri ) if uri.scheme == 'obs' and Defaults.is_buildservice_worker(): return False elif uri.scheme in self.remote_uri_types: return True elif uri.scheme in self.local_uri_type: return False else: raise KiwiUriTypeUnknown( 'URI type %s unknown' % uri.scheme )
[docs] def is_public(self) -> bool: """ Check if URI is considered to be publicly reachable :return: True|False :rtype: bool """ uri = urlparse(self.uri) if not uri.scheme: # unknown uri schema is considered not public return False elif uri.scheme == 'obs': # obs is public but only if the configured download_server is public return self.runtime_config.is_obs_public() elif uri.scheme in self.remote_uri_types: # listed in remote uri types, thus public return True else: # unknown uri type considered not public return False
[docs] def get_fragment(self) -> str: """ Returns the fragment part of the URI. :return: fragment part of the URI if any, empty string otherwise :rtype: str """ uri = urlparse(self.uri) return uri.fragment
def _get_credentials_uri(self) -> Optional[ParseResult]: uri = urlparse(self.uri) credentials_uri = None if uri.query and uri.query.startswith('credentials='): credentials_uri = uri return credentials_uri def _local_path(self, path: str) -> str: return os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(path)) def _obs_project_download_link(self, name: str) -> str: name_parts = name.split(os.sep) repository = name_parts.pop() project = os.sep.join(name_parts) download_link = None try: download_link = os.sep.join( [ self.runtime_config.get_obs_download_server_url(), project.replace(':', ':/'), repository ] ) if not Defaults.is_buildservice_worker(): request = requests.get(download_link) request.raise_for_status() return request.url else: log.warning( 'Using {0} without location verification due to build ' 'in isolated environment'.format(download_link) ) return download_link except Exception as issue: raise KiwiUriOpenError( f'{download_link}: {issue}' ) def _buildservice_path( self, name: str, urischeme: str, fragment: str = '' ) -> str: """ Special to openSUSE buildservice. If the buildservice builds the image it arranges the repos for each build in a special environment, the so called build worker. """ bs_source_dir = '/usr/src/packages/SOURCES' if self.repo_type == 'container': if urischeme == 'obsrepositories': local_path = os.sep.join( [bs_source_dir, 'containers/_obsrepositories', name] ) else: local_path = os.sep.join( [bs_source_dir, 'containers', name] ) if fragment: local_path = ''.join([local_path, '#', fragment]) else: local_path = os.sep.join( [bs_source_dir, 'repos', name] ) return self._local_path(local_path) def _resolve_metalink_uri(self, uri: str) -> str: selected_repo_source = uri namespace_map = dict( metalink="" ) expression = '//metalink:file[@name="repomd.xml"]/metalink:resources/*' try: metalink_location = urlopen(Request(uri)) xml = etree.parse(metalink_location) url_list = xml.getroot().xpath( expression, namespaces=namespace_map ) source_dict = {} for url in url_list: if url.get('protocol') == 'https': source_dict[url.text] = int(url.get('preference')) start_preference = 0 for url in sorted(source_dict.keys()): preference = source_dict[url] if preference > start_preference: selected_repo_source = url start_preference = preference except Exception as issue: raise KiwiUriOpenError( f'Failed to resolve metalink URI: {issue}' ) selected_repo_source = selected_repo_source.replace( 'repodata/repomd.xml', '' ) return selected_repo_source