Source code for kiwi.runtime_checker

# Copyright (c) 2015 SUSE Linux GmbH.  All rights reserved.
# This file is part of kiwi.
# kiwi is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# kiwi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with kiwi.  If not, see <>
import os
import json
import re
import logging
from textwrap import dedent
from typing import (
    NamedTuple, Dict, List, Any

# project
from kiwi.version import __version__
from io import StringIO
from kiwi.xml_description import XMLDescription
from kiwi.firmware import FirmWare
from kiwi.xml_state import XMLState
from kiwi.system.uri import Uri
from kiwi.defaults import Defaults
from kiwi.command import Command
from kiwi.path import Path
from kiwi.utils.command_capabilities import CommandCapabilities
from kiwi.runtime_config import RuntimeConfig
from kiwi.exceptions import (

import kiwi.defaults as defaults

dracut_module_type = NamedTuple(
    'dracut_module_type', [
        ('package', str),
        ('min_version', str)

log = logging.getLogger('kiwi')

[docs] class RuntimeChecker: """ **Implements build consistency checks at runtime** """ def __init__(self, xml_state: XMLState) -> None: """ The schema of an image description covers structure and syntax of the provided data. The RuntimeChecker provides methods to perform further semantic checks which allows to recognize potential build or boot problems early. :param object xml_state: Instance of XMLState """ self.xml_state = xml_state
[docs] def check_repositories_configured(self) -> None: """ Verify that there are repositories configured """ if not self.xml_state.get_repository_sections(): raise KiwiRuntimeError( 'No repositories configured' )
[docs] def check_include_references_unresolvable(self) -> None: """ Raise for still included <include> statements as not resolvable. The KIWI XSLT processing replaces the specified include directive(s) with the given file reference(s). If this action did not happen for example on nested includes, it can happen that they stay in the document as sort of waste. """ message = dedent('''\n One ore more <include> statements are unresolvable The following include references could not be resolved. Please verify the specified location(s) and/or delete the broken include directive(s) from the description. Please also note, nested includes from other include files are not supported: {0} ''') include_files = \ self.xml_state.get_include_section_reference_file_names() if include_files: raise KiwiRuntimeError( message.format(json.dumps(include_files, indent=4)) )
[docs] def check_image_include_repos_publicly_resolvable(self) -> None: """ Verify that all repos marked with the imageinclude attribute can be resolved into a http based web URL """ message = dedent('''\n The use of imageinclude="true" in the repository definition for the Repository: {0} requires the repository to by publicly available. The source locator of the repository however indicates it is private to your local system. Therefore it can't be included into the system image repository configuration. Please define a publicly available repository in your image XML description. ''') repository_sections = self.xml_state.get_repository_sections() for xml_repo in repository_sections: repo_marked_for_image_include = xml_repo.get_imageinclude() if repo_marked_for_image_include: repo_source = xml_repo.get_source().get_path() repo_type = xml_repo.get_type() uri = Uri(repo_source, repo_type) if not uri.is_public(): raise KiwiRuntimeError( message.format(repo_source) )
[docs] @staticmethod def check_target_directory_not_in_shared_cache(target_dir: str) -> None: """ The target directory must be outside of the kiwi shared cache directory in order to avoid busy mounts because kiwi bind mounts the cache directory into the image root tree to access host caching information :param string target_dir: path name """ message = dedent('''\n Target directory %s conflicts with kiwi's shared cache directory %s. This is going to create a busy loop mount. Please choose another target directory. ''') shared_cache_location = Defaults.get_shared_cache_location() target_dir_stack = os.path.abspath( os.path.normpath(target_dir) ).replace(os.sep + os.sep, os.sep).split(os.sep) if target_dir_stack[1:4] == shared_cache_location.split(os.sep): raise KiwiRuntimeError( message % (target_dir, shared_cache_location) )
[docs] def check_volume_label_used_with_lvm(self) -> None: """ The optional volume label in a systemdisk setup is only effective if the LVM, logical volume manager system is used. In any other case where the filesystem itself offers volume management capabilities there are no extra filesystem labels which can be applied per volume """ message = dedent('''\n Custom volume label setup used without LVM The optional volume label in a systemdisk setup is only effective if the LVM, logical volume manager system is used. Your setup uses the {0} filesystem which itself offers volume management capabilities. Extra filesystem labels cannot be applied in this case. If you want to force LVM over the {0} volume management system you can do so by specifying the following in your KIWI XML description: <systemdisk ... preferlvm="true"> <volume .../> </systemdisk> ''') volume_management = self.xml_state.get_volume_management() if volume_management != 'lvm': for volume in self.xml_state.get_volumes(): if volume.label and volume.label != 'SWAP': raise KiwiRuntimeError( message.format(volume_management) )
[docs] def check_partuuid_persistency_type_used_with_mbr(self) -> None: """ The devicepersistency setting by-partuuid can only be used in combination with a partition table type that supports UUIDs. In any other case Linux creates artificial values for PTUUID and PARTUUID from the disk signature which can change without touching the actual partition table. We consider this unsafe and only allow the use of by-partuuid in combination with partition tables that actually supports it properly. """ message = dedent('''\n devicepersistency={0!r} used with non UUID capable partition table PTUUID and PARTUUID exists in the GUID (GPT) partition table. According to the firmware setting: {1!r}, the selected partition table type is: {2!r}. This table type does not natively support UUIDs. In such a case Linux creates artificial values for PTUUID and PARTUUID from the disk signature which can change without touching the actual partition table. This is considered unsafe and KIWI only allows the use of by-partuuid in combination with partition tables that actually supports UUIDs properly. Please make sure to use one of the following firmware settings which leads to an image using an UUID capable partition table and therefore supporting consistent by-partuuid device names: <type ... firmware="efi|uefi"> ''') persistency_type = self.xml_state.build_type.get_devicepersistency() if persistency_type and persistency_type == 'by-partuuid': supported_table_types = ['gpt'] firmware = FirmWare(self.xml_state) table_type = firmware.get_partition_table_type() if table_type not in supported_table_types: raise KiwiRuntimeError( message.format( persistency_type, firmware.firmware, table_type ) )
[docs] def check_swap_name_used_with_lvm(self) -> None: """ The optional oem-swapname is only effective if used together with the LVM volume manager. A name for the swap space can only be set if it is created as a LVM volume. In any other case the name does not apply to the system """ message = dedent('''\n Specified swap space name: {0} will not be used The specified oem-swapname is used without the LVM volume manager. This means the swap space will be created as simple partition for which no name assignment can take place. The name specified in oem-swapname is used to give the LVM swap volume a name. Outside of LVM the setting is meaningless and should be removed. Please delete the following setting from your image description: <oem-swapname>{0}</oem-swapname> ''') volume_management = self.xml_state.get_volume_management() if volume_management != 'lvm': oemconfig = self.xml_state.get_build_type_oemconfig_section() if oemconfig and oemconfig.get_oem_swapname(): raise KiwiRuntimeError( message.format(oemconfig.get_oem_swapname()[0]) )
[docs] def check_volume_setup_defines_reserved_labels(self) -> None: message = dedent('''\n Reserved label name used in LVM volume setup The label setup for volume {0} uses the reserved label {1}. Reserved labels used by KIWI internally are {2}. Please choose another label name for this volume. ''') reserved_labels = [ self.xml_state.build_type.get_rootfs_label() or 'ROOT', 'SWAP', 'SPARE' ] volume_management = self.xml_state.get_volume_management() if volume_management == 'lvm': for volume in self.xml_state.get_volumes(): # A swap volume is created implicitly if oem-swap is # requested. This volume detected via realpath set to # swap is skipped from the reserved label check as it # intentionally uses the reserved label named SWAP if volume.realpath != 'swap': if volume.label and volume.label in reserved_labels: raise KiwiRuntimeError( message.format(, volume.label, reserved_labels ) )
[docs] def check_volume_setup_defines_multiple_fullsize_volumes(self) -> None: """ The volume size specification 'all' makes this volume to take the rest space available on the system. It's only allowed to specify one all size volume """ message = dedent('''\n Multiple all size volumes found but only one is allowed The volume size specification 'all' makes this volume to take the rest space available on the system. It's only allowed to specify one all size volume ''') systemdisk_section = self.xml_state.get_build_type_system_disk_section() if systemdisk_section: all_size_volume_count = 0 volumes = systemdisk_section.get_volume() or [] for volume in volumes: size = volume.get_size() or volume.get_freespace() if size and 'all' in size: all_size_volume_count += 1 if all_size_volume_count > 1: raise KiwiRuntimeError(message)
[docs] def check_volume_setup_has_no_root_definition(self) -> None: """ The root volume in a systemdisk setup is handled in a special way. It is not allowed to setup a custom name or mountpoint for the root volume. Therefore the size of the root volume can be setup via the @root volume name. This check looks up the volume setup and searches if there is a configuration for the '/' mountpoint which would cause the image build to fail """ message = dedent('''\n Volume setup for "/" found. The size of the root volume must be specified via the @root volume name like the following example shows: <volume name="@root" size="42G"/> A custom name or mountpoint for the root volume is not allowed. ''') for volume in self.xml_state.get_volumes(): if volume.mountpoint == '/': raise KiwiRuntimeError(message)
[docs] def check_container_tool_chain_installed(self) -> None: """ When creating container images the specific tools are used in order to import and export OCI or Docker compatible images. This check searches for those tools to be installed in the build system and fails if it can't find them """ message_tool_not_found = dedent('''\n Required tool {name} not found in caller environment Creation of OCI or Docker images requires the tools {name} and skopeo to be installed on the build system. For SUSE based systems you can find the tools at: ''') message_version_unsupported = dedent('''\n {name} tool found with unknown version ''') message_unknown_tool = dedent('''\n Unknown tool: {0}. Please configure KIWI with an appropriate value (umoci or buildah). Consider this runtime configuration file syntax (/etc/kiwi.yml): oci: - archive_tool: umoci | buildah ''') expected_version = (0, 1, 0) if self.xml_state.get_build_type_name() in ['docker', 'oci']: runtime_config = RuntimeConfig() tool_name = runtime_config.get_oci_archive_tool() if tool_name == 'buildah': oci_tools = ['buildah', 'skopeo'] elif tool_name == 'umoci': oci_tools = ['umoci', 'skopeo'] else: raise KiwiRuntimeError(message_unknown_tool.format(tool_name)) for tool in oci_tools: if not Path.which(filename=tool, access_mode=os.X_OK): raise KiwiRuntimeError( message_tool_not_found.format(name=tool) ) elif not CommandCapabilities.check_version( tool, expected_version, raise_on_error=False ): raise KiwiRuntimeError( message_version_unsupported.format(name=tool) ) self._check_multitag_support()
def _check_multitag_support(self) -> None: message = dedent('''\n Using additionaltags attribute requires skopeo tool to be capable to handle it, it must include the '--additional-tag' option for copy subcommand (check it running 'skopeo copy --help').\n It is known to be present since v0.1.30 ''') if 'additional_names' in self.xml_state.get_container_config(): if not CommandCapabilities.has_option_in_help( 'skopeo', '--additional-tag', ['copy', '--help'], raise_on_error=False ): raise KiwiRuntimeError(message)
[docs] def check_luksformat_options_valid(self) -> None: """ Options set via the luksformat element are passed along to the cryptsetup tool. Only options that are known to the tool should be allowed. Thus this runtime check looks up the provided option names if they exist in the cryptsetup version used on the build host """ message = dedent('''\n Option {0!r} not found in cryptsetup The Option {0!r} could not be found in the help output of the cryptsetup tool. ''') luksformat = self.xml_state.build_type.get_luksformat() if luksformat: for option in luksformat[0].get_option(): argument = option.get_name() if not CommandCapabilities.has_option_in_help( 'cryptsetup', argument, ['--help'], raise_on_error=False ): raise KiwiRuntimeError(message.format(argument))
[docs] def check_appx_naming_conventions_valid(self) -> None: """ When building wsl images there are some naming conventions that must be fulfilled to run the container on Microsoft Windows """ launcher_pattern = r'[^\\]+(\.[Ee][Xx][Ee])$' message_container_launcher_invalid = dedent('''\n Invalid WSL launcher name: {0} WSL launcher name must match the pattern: {1} ''') id_pattern = r'^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' message_container_id_invalid = dedent('''\n Invalid WSL container application id: {0} WSL container id must match the pattern: {1} ''') build_type = self.xml_state.get_build_type_name() container_config = self.xml_state.get_container_config() container_history = container_config.get('history') or {} if build_type == 'appx' and container_config: launcher = container_history.get('launcher') if launcher and not re.match(launcher_pattern, launcher): raise KiwiRuntimeError( message_container_launcher_invalid.format( launcher, launcher_pattern ) ) application_id = container_history.get('application_id') if application_id and not re.match(id_pattern, application_id): raise KiwiRuntimeError( message_container_id_invalid.format( application_id, id_pattern ) )
[docs] def check_initrd_selection_required(self) -> None: """ If the boot attribute is used without selecting kiwi as the initrd_system, the setting of the boot attribute will not have any effect. We assume that configurations which explicitly specify the boot attribute wants to use the custom kiwi initrd system and not dracut. """ message_kiwi_initrd_system_not_selected = dedent('''\n Missing initrd_system selection for boot attribute The selected boot="'{0}'" boot description indicates the custom kiwi initrd system should be used instead of dracut. If this is correct please explicitly request the kiwi initrd system as follows: <type initrd_system="kiwi"/> If this is not want you want and dracut should be used as initrd system, please delete the boot attribute as it is obsolete in this case. ''') initrd_system = self.xml_state.get_initrd_system() boot_image_reference = self.xml_state.build_type.get_boot() if initrd_system != 'kiwi' and boot_image_reference: raise KiwiRuntimeError( message_kiwi_initrd_system_not_selected.format( boot_image_reference ) )
[docs] def check_boot_description_exists(self) -> None: """ If a kiwi initrd is used, a lookup to the specified boot description is done and fails early if it does not exist """ message_no_boot_reference = dedent('''\n Boot description missing for '{0}' type The selected '{1}' initrd_system requires a boot description reference. Please update your type setup as follows <type image="{0}" boot="{0}boot/..."/> A collection of custom boot descriptions can be found in the kiwi-boot-descriptions package ''') message_boot_description_not_found = dedent('''\n Boot description '{0}' not found The selected boot description could not be found on the build host. A collection of custom boot descriptions can be found in the kiwi-boot-descriptions package ''') image_types_supporting_custom_boot_description = ['oem', 'pxe'] build_type = self.xml_state.get_build_type_name() initrd_system = self.xml_state.get_initrd_system() if initrd_system == 'kiwi' and \ build_type in image_types_supporting_custom_boot_description: boot_image_reference = self.xml_state.build_type.get_boot() if not boot_image_reference: raise KiwiRuntimeError( message_no_boot_reference.format(build_type, initrd_system) ) if not boot_image_reference[0] == os.sep: boot_image_reference = os.sep.join( [ Defaults.get_boot_image_description_path(), boot_image_reference ] ) if not os.path.exists(boot_image_reference): raise KiwiRuntimeError( message_boot_description_not_found.format( boot_image_reference ) )
[docs] def check_consistent_kernel_in_boot_and_system_image(self) -> None: """ If a kiwi initrd is used, the kernel used to build the kiwi initrd and the kernel used in the system image must be the same in order to avoid an inconsistent boot setup """ message = dedent('''\n Possible kernel mismatch between kiwi initrd and system image The selected '{0}' boot image kernel is '{1}'. However this kernel package was not explicitly listed in the package list of the system image. Please fixup your system image description: 1) Add <package name="{1}"/> to your system XML description 2) Inherit kernel from system description to initrd via the custom kernel profile: <type ... bootkernel="custom" .../> <packages type="image"/> <package name="desired-kernel" bootinclude="true"/> </packages> ''') boot_image_reference = self.xml_state.build_type.get_boot() boot_kernel_package_name = None if boot_image_reference: if not boot_image_reference[0] == '/': boot_image_reference = os.sep.join( [ Defaults.get_boot_image_description_path(), boot_image_reference ] ) boot_config_file = os.sep.join( [boot_image_reference, 'config.xml'] ) if os.path.exists(boot_config_file): boot_description = XMLDescription( description=boot_config_file, derived_from=self.xml_state.xml_data.description_dir ) boot_kernel_profile = \ self.xml_state.build_type.get_bootkernel() if not boot_kernel_profile: boot_kernel_profile = 'std' boot_xml_state = XMLState( boot_description.load(), [boot_kernel_profile] ) kernel_package_sections = [] for packages_section in boot_xml_state.xml_data.get_packages(): # lookup package sections matching kernel profile in kiwi # boot description. By definition this must be a packages # section with a single profile name whereas the default # profile name is 'std'. The section itself must contain # one matching kernel package name for the desired # architecture if packages_section.get_profiles() == boot_kernel_profile: for package in packages_section.get_package(): kernel_package_sections.append(package) for package in kernel_package_sections: if boot_xml_state.package_matches_host_architecture( package ): boot_kernel_package_name = package.get_name() if boot_kernel_package_name: # A kernel package name was found in the kiwi boot image # description. Let's check if this kernel is also used # in the system image image_package_names = self.xml_state.get_system_packages() if boot_kernel_package_name not in image_package_names: raise KiwiRuntimeError( message.format( self.xml_state.build_type.get_boot(), boot_kernel_package_name ) )
[docs] def check_dracut_module_versions_compatible_to_kiwi( self, root_dir: str ) -> None: """ KIWI images which makes use of kiwi dracut modules has to use module versions compatible with the version of this KIWI builder code base. This is important to avoid inconsistencies between the way how kiwi includes its own dracut modules and former version of those dracut modules which could be no longer compatible with the builder. Therefore this runtime check maintains a min_version constraint for which we know this KIWI builder to be compatible with. """ message = dedent('''\n Incompatible dracut-kiwi module(s) found The image was build with KIWI version={0}. The system root tree has the following dracut-kiwi-* module packages installed which are too old to work with this version of KIWI. Please make sure to use dracut-kiwi-* module packages which are >= than the versions listed below. {1} ''') kiwi_dracut_modules = { '90kiwi-dump': dracut_module_type( 'dracut-kiwi-oem-dump', '9.20.1' ), '90kiwi-live': dracut_module_type( 'dracut-kiwi-live', '9.20.1' ), '90kiwi-overlay': dracut_module_type( 'dracut-kiwi-overlay', '9.20.1' ), '90kiwi-repart': dracut_module_type( 'dracut-kiwi-oem-repart', '9.20.1' ), '99kiwi-dump-reboot': dracut_module_type( 'dracut-kiwi-oem-dump', '9.20.1' ), '99kiwi-lib': dracut_module_type( 'dracut-kiwi-lib', '9.20.1' ) } dracut_module_dir = os.sep.join( [root_dir, '/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d'] ) if not os.path.isdir(dracut_module_dir): # no dracut module dir present return incompatible_modules = {} for module in os.listdir(dracut_module_dir): module_meta = kiwi_dracut_modules.get(module) if module_meta: module_version = self._get_dracut_module_version_from_pdb( self.xml_state.get_package_manager(), module_meta.package, root_dir ) if module_version: module_version_nr = tuple( int(it) for it in module_version.split('.') ) module_min_version_nr = tuple( int(it) for it in module_meta.min_version.split('.') ) if module_version_nr < module_min_version_nr: incompatible_modules[ module_meta.package ] = 'got:{0}, need:>={1}'.format( module_version, module_meta.min_version ) if incompatible_modules: raise KiwiRuntimeError( message.format(__version__, incompatible_modules) )
[docs] def check_dracut_module_for_oem_install_in_package_list(self) -> None: """ OEM images if configured to use dracut as initrd system and configured with one of the installiso, installstick or installpxe attributes requires the KIWI provided dracut-kiwi-oem-dump module to be installed at the time dracut is called. Thus this runtime check examines if the required package is part of the package list in the image description. """ message = dedent('''\n Required dracut module package missing in package list One of the packages '{0}' is required to build an installation image for the selected oem image type. Depending on your distribution, add the following in the <packages type="image"> section: <package name="ONE_FROM_ABOVE"/> ''') meta = Defaults.get_runtime_checker_metadata() required_dracut_packages = meta['package_names']['dracut_oem_dump'] initrd_system = self.xml_state.get_initrd_system() build_type = self.xml_state.get_build_type_name() if build_type == 'oem' and initrd_system == 'dracut': install_iso = self.xml_state.build_type.get_installiso() install_stick = self.xml_state.build_type.get_installstick() install_pxe = self.xml_state.build_type.get_installpxe() if install_iso or install_stick or install_pxe: package_names = \ self.xml_state.get_bootstrap_packages() + \ self.xml_state.get_system_packages() if not RuntimeChecker._package_in_list( package_names, required_dracut_packages ): raise KiwiRuntimeError( message.format(required_dracut_packages) )
[docs] def check_dracut_module_for_disk_oem_in_package_list(self) -> None: """ OEM images if configured to use dracut as initrd system requires the KIWI provided dracut-kiwi-oem-repart module to be installed at the time dracut is called. Thus this runtime check examines if the required package is part of the package list in the image description. """ message = dedent('''\n Required dracut module package missing in package list One of the packages '{0}' is required for the selected oem image type. Depending on your distribution, add the following in the <packages type="image"> section: <package name="ONE_FROM_ABOVE"/> ''') meta = Defaults.get_runtime_checker_metadata() required_dracut_packages = meta['package_names']['dracut_oem_repart'] initrd_system = self.xml_state.get_initrd_system() disk_resize_requested = self.xml_state.get_oemconfig_oem_resize() build_type = self.xml_state.get_build_type_name() if build_type == 'oem' and initrd_system == 'dracut' and \ disk_resize_requested: package_names = \ self.xml_state.get_bootstrap_packages() + \ self.xml_state.get_system_packages() if not RuntimeChecker._package_in_list( package_names, required_dracut_packages ): raise KiwiRuntimeError( message.format(required_dracut_packages) )
[docs] def check_dracut_module_for_live_iso_in_package_list(self) -> None: """ Live ISO images uses a dracut initrd to boot and requires the KIWI provided kiwi-live dracut module to be installed at the time dracut is called. Thus this runtime check examines if the required package is part of the package list in the image description. """ message = dedent('''\n Required dracut module package missing in package list One of the packages '{0}' is required for the selected live iso image type. Depending on your distribution, add the following in your <packages type="image"> section: <package name="ONE_FROM_ABOVE"/> ''') meta = Defaults.get_runtime_checker_metadata() required_dracut_packages = meta['package_names']['dracut_live'] type_name = self.xml_state.get_build_type_name() type_flag = self.xml_state.build_type.get_flags() if type_name == 'iso' and type_flag != 'dmsquash': package_names = \ self.xml_state.get_bootstrap_packages() + \ self.xml_state.get_system_packages() if not RuntimeChecker._package_in_list( package_names, required_dracut_packages ): raise KiwiRuntimeError( message.format(required_dracut_packages) )
[docs] def check_dracut_module_for_disk_overlay_in_package_list(self) -> None: """ Disk images configured to use a root filesystem overlay requires the KIWI provided kiwi-overlay dracut module to be installed at the time dracut is called. Thus this runtime check examines if the required package is part of the package list in the image description. """ message = dedent('''\n Required dracut module package missing in package list The package '{0}' is required for the selected overlayroot activated image type. Depending on your distribution, add the following in your <packages type="image"> section: <package name="ONE_FROM_ABOVE"/> ''') initrd_system = self.xml_state.get_initrd_system() meta = Defaults.get_runtime_checker_metadata() required_dracut_packages = meta['package_names']['dracut_overlay'] if initrd_system == 'dracut' and \ self.xml_state.build_type.get_overlayroot(): package_names = \ self.xml_state.get_bootstrap_packages() + \ self.xml_state.get_system_packages() if not RuntimeChecker._package_in_list( package_names, required_dracut_packages ): raise KiwiRuntimeError( message.format(required_dracut_packages) )
[docs] def check_efi_mode_for_disk_overlay_correctly_setup(self) -> None: """ Disk images configured to use a root filesystem overlay only supports the standard EFI mode and not secure boot. That's because the shim setup performs changes to the root filesystem which can not be applied during the bootloader setup at build time because at that point the root filesystem is a read-only squashfs source. """ message = dedent('''\n Secure Boot not supported with overlay disk image Disk images configured to use a root filesystem overlay only supports the standard EFI mode and not secure boot. That's because the shim setup performs changes to the root filesystem which can not be applied during the bootloader setup at build time because at that point the root filesystem is a read-only squashfs source Thus please change the firmware attribute in the <type> section of the system XML description as follows: <type ... firmware="efi"/> ''') overlayroot = self.xml_state.build_type.get_overlayroot() firmware = self.xml_state.build_type.get_firmware() if overlayroot and firmware == 'uefi': raise KiwiRuntimeError(message)
[docs] def check_xen_uniquely_setup_as_server_or_guest(self) -> None: """ If the image is classified to be used as Xen image, it can be either a Xen Server(dom0) or a Xen guest. The image configuration is checked if the information uniquely identifies the image as such """ xen_message = dedent('''\n Inconsistent Xen setup found: The use of the 'xen_server' or 'xen_loader' attributes indicates the target system for this image is Xen. However the image specifies both attributes at the same time which classifies the image to be both, a Xen Server(dom0) and a Xen guest at the same time, which is not supported. Please cleanup your image description. Setup only one of 'xen_server' or 'xen_loader'. ''') ec2_message = dedent('''\n Inconsistent Amazon EC2 setup found: The firmware setup indicates the target system for this image is Amazon EC2, which uses a Xen based virtualisation technology. Therefore the image must be classified as a Xen guest and can not be a Xen server as indicated by the 'xen_server' attribute Please cleanup your image description. Delete the 'xen_server' attribute for images used with Amazon EC2. ''') if self.xml_state.is_xen_server() and self.xml_state.is_xen_guest(): firmware = self.xml_state.build_type.get_firmware() ec2_firmware_names = Defaults.get_ec2_capable_firmware_names() if firmware and firmware in ec2_firmware_names: raise KiwiRuntimeError(ec2_message) else: raise KiwiRuntimeError(xen_message)
[docs] def check_mediacheck_installed(self) -> None: """ If the image description enables the mediacheck attribute the required tools to run this check must be installed on the image build host """ message_tool_not_found = dedent('''\n Required tool {name} not found in caller environment The attribute 'mediacheck' is set to 'true' which requires the above tool to be installed on the build system ''') if self.xml_state.build_type.get_mediacheck() is True: tool = 'tagmedia' media_tagger = RuntimeConfig().get_iso_media_tag_tool() if media_tagger == 'checkmedia': tool = 'tagmedia' elif media_tagger == 'isomd5sum': tool = 'implantisomd5' if not Path.which(filename=tool, access_mode=os.X_OK): raise KiwiRuntimeError( message_tool_not_found.format(name=tool) )
[docs] def check_image_version_provided(self) -> None: """ Kiwi requires a <version> element to be specified as part of at least one <preferences> section. """ message_missing_version = dedent('''\n No version is defined in any of the <preferences> sections. Please add <version>image_version<version/> inside the <preferences> section. ''') if not self.xml_state.get_image_version(): raise KiwiRuntimeError(message_missing_version)
[docs] def check_image_type_unique(self) -> None: """ Verify that the selected image type is unique within the range of the configured types and profiles. """ message = dedent('''\n Conflicting image type setup detected The selected image type '{0}' in the {1} profile selection is not unique. There are the followng type settings which overrides each other: {2} To solve this conflict please move the image type setup into its own profile and select them using the --profile option at call time. ''') image_type_sections = [] type_dict: Dict[str, List[Any]] = {} for preferences in self.xml_state.get_preferences_sections(): image_type_sections += preferences.get_type() for image_type in image_type_sections: type_name = image_type.get_image() if type_dict.get(type_name): type_dict[type_name].append(image_type) else: type_dict[type_name] = [image_type] for type_name, type_list in list(type_dict.items()): if len(type_list) > 1: type_export = StringIO() for image_type in type_list: type_export.write(os.linesep) image_type.export(type_export, 0) raise KiwiRuntimeError( message.format( type_name, self.xml_state.profiles or ['Default'], type_export.getvalue() ) )
[docs] def check_efi_fat_image_has_correct_size(self) -> None: """ Verify that the efifatimagesize does not exceed the max El Torito load size of 65535 * 512 bytes """ message = dedent('''\n El Torito max load size exceeded The configured efifatimagesize of '{0}MB' exceeds the El Torito max load size of 65535 * 512 bytes (~31MB). ''') fat_image_mbsize = int( self.xml_state.build_type .get_efifatimagesize() or defaults.EFI_FAT_IMAGE_SIZE ) if fat_image_mbsize > 31: raise KiwiRuntimeError( message.format(fat_image_mbsize) )
@staticmethod def _package_in_list( package_list: List[str], search_list: List[str] ) -> str: result = '' for search in search_list: if search in package_list: result = search break return result @staticmethod def _get_dracut_module_version_from_pdb( package_manager: str, package_name: str, root_dir: str ) -> str: tool = Defaults.get_default_packager_tool(package_manager) package_query = None package_manager_query = None package_version = '' if tool == 'rpm': package_manager_query = [ 'chroot', root_dir, tool, '-q', '--qf', '%{VERSION}', package_name ] elif tool == 'dpkg': package_manager_query = [ 'chroot', root_dir, 'dpkg-query', '-W', '-f', '${Version}', package_name ] if package_manager_query: try: package_query = if package_query: package_version = package_query.output.split('-', 1)[0] except Exception as issue: log.debug(f'Package manager query failed with: {issue}') return package_version