Source code for kiwi.partitioner.gpt

# Copyright (c) 2015 SUSE Linux GmbH.  All rights reserved.
# This file is part of kiwi.
# kiwi is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# kiwi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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import logging
from typing import List

# project
from kiwi.command import Command
from kiwi.partitioner.base import PartitionerBase

from kiwi.exceptions import (

log = logging.getLogger('kiwi')

[docs] class PartitionerGpt(PartitionerBase): """ **Implements GPT partition setup** """
[docs] def post_init(self) -> None: """ Post initialization method Setup gdisk partition type/flag map """ self.flag_map = { '': None, 't.csm': 'EF02', 't.linux': '8300', 't.swap': '8200', 't.lvm': '8E00', '': 'FD00', 't.efi': 'EF00', 't.prep': '4100' }
[docs] def create( self, name: str, mbsize: int, type_name: str, flags: List[str] = None ) -> None: """ Create GPT partition :param string name: partition name :param int mbsize: partition size :param string type_name: partition type :param list flags: additional flags """ self.partition_id += 1 if mbsize == 'all_free': partition_end = '0' else: partition_end = '+' + format(mbsize) + 'M' if self.partition_id > 1 or not self.start_sector: # A start sector value of 0 specifies the default value # defined in sgdisk self.start_sector = 0 [ 'sgdisk', '-n', ':'.join( [ format(self.partition_id), format(self.start_sector), partition_end ] ), '-c', ':'.join([format(self.partition_id), name]), self.disk_device ] ) self.set_flag(self.partition_id, type_name) if flags: for flag_name in flags: self.set_flag(self.partition_id, flag_name)
[docs] def set_flag(self, partition_id: int, flag_name: str) -> None: """ Set GPT partition flag :param int partition_id: partition number :param string flag_name: name from flag map """ if flag_name not in self.flag_map: raise KiwiPartitionerGptFlagError( 'Unknown partition flag %s' % flag_name ) if self.flag_map[flag_name]: [ 'sgdisk', '-t', ':'.join( [ format(partition_id), format(self.flag_map[flag_name]) ] ), self.disk_device ] ) else: log.warning('Flag %s ignored on GPT', flag_name)
[docs] def set_uuid(self, partition_id: int, uuid: str) -> None: """ Set partition UUID (TypeCode) :param int partition_id: partition number :param string uuid: UUID """ [ 'sgdisk', '--typecode', f'{partition_id}:{uuid}', self.disk_device ] )
[docs] def set_hybrid_mbr(self) -> None: """ Turn partition table into hybrid GPT/MBR table """ partition_ids = [] partition_number_to_embed = self.partition_id if partition_number_to_embed > 3: # the max number of partitions to embed is 3 # for details see man sgdisk log.debug( 'maximum number of GPT hybrid MBR partitions is 3, got %d', partition_number_to_embed ) partition_number_to_embed = 3 log.debug( 'reduced GPT hybrid MBR partition count to %d', partition_number_to_embed ) for number in range(1, partition_number_to_embed + 1): partition_ids.append(format(number)) ['sgdisk', '-h', ':'.join(partition_ids), self.disk_device] )
[docs] def set_mbr(self) -> None: """ Turn partition table into MBR (msdos table) """ partition_ids = [] efi_partition_number = None for number in range(1, self.partition_id + 1): partition_info = ['sgdisk', '-i={0}'.format(number), self.disk_device] ) if '(EFI System)' in partition_info.output: efi_partition_number = number partition_ids.append(format(number)) if efi_partition_number: # turn former EFI partition into standard linux partition self.set_flag(efi_partition_number, 't.linux') ['sgdisk', '-m', ':'.join(partition_ids), self.disk_device] )
[docs] def resize_table(self, entries: int = 128) -> None: """ Resize partition table :param int entries: number of default entries """ [ 'sgdisk', '--resize-table', '{0}'.format(entries), self.disk_device ] )