Source code for kiwi.exceptions

# Copyright (c) 2015 SUSE Linux GmbH.  All rights reserved.
# This file is part of kiwi.
# kiwi is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# kiwi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with kiwi.  If not, see <>

[docs] class KiwiError(Exception): """ **Base class to handle all known exceptions** Specific exceptions are implemented as sub classes of KiwiError Attributes :param string message: Exception message text """ def __init__(self, message): self.message = message def __str__(self): return format(self.message)
[docs] class KiwiArchiveSetupError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if an unsupported image archive type is used. """
[docs] class KiwiArchiveTarError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if impossible to determine which tar command version is installed on the underlying system """
[docs] class KiwiBootImageSetupError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if an unsupported initrd system type is used. """
[docs] class KiwiBootLoaderConfigSetupError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if a configuration for an unsupported bootloader is requested. """
[docs] class KiwiBootLoaderGrubDataError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if no grub installation was found. """
[docs] class KiwiBootLoaderGrubFontError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if no grub unicode font was found. """
[docs] class KiwiBootLoaderGrubInstallError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if grub install to master boot record has failed. """
[docs] class KiwiBootLoaderGrubModulesError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if the synchronisation of modules from the grub installation to the boot space has failed. """
[docs] class KiwiBootLoaderGrubPlatformError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if an attempt was made to use grub on an unsupported platform. """
[docs] class KiwiBootLoaderGrubSecureBootError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if the Microsoft signed shim loader or grub2 loader could not be found in the image root system """
[docs] class KiwiBootLoaderInstallSetupError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if an installation for an unsupported bootloader is requested. """
[docs] class KiwiBootLoaderTargetError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if the target to read the bootloader path from is not a disk or an iso image. """
[docs] class KiwiBootLoaderZiplInstallError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if the installation of zipl has failed. """
[docs] class KiwiBootLoaderZiplPlatformError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if a configuration for an unsupported zipl architecture is requested. """
[docs] class KiwiBootLoaderZiplSetupError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if the data set to configure the zipl bootloader is incomplete. """
[docs] class KiwiBootStrapPhaseFailed(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if the bootstrap phase of the system prepare command has failed. """
[docs] class KiwiBundleError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if the system bundle command has failed. """
[docs] class KiwiCommandError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if an external command called via a Command instance has returned with an exit code != 0 or could not be called at all. """
[docs] class KiwiCommandNotFound(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if any executable command cannot be found in the evironment PATH variable. """
[docs] class KiwiCommandNotLoaded(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if a kiwi command task module could not be loaded. """
[docs] class KiwiCompressionFormatUnknown(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if the compression format of the data could not be detected. """
[docs] class KiwiConfigFileNotFound(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if no kiwi XML description was found. """
[docs] class KiwiConfigFileFormatNotSupported(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if kiwi description file format is not supported. """
[docs] class KiwiContainerSetupError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if an error in the creation of the container archive happened. """
[docs] class KiwiContainerImageSetupError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if an attempt to create a container instance for an unsupported container type is performed. """
[docs] class KiwiDataStructureError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if the XML description failed to parse the data structure. """
[docs] class KiwiDebianBootstrapError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if the bootstrap installation for Debian based systems has failed """
[docs] class KiwiDescriptionInvalid(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if the XML description failed to validate the XML schema. """
[docs] class KiwiDeviceProviderError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if a storage provide is asked for its managed device but no such device exists. """
[docs] class KiwiDiskBootImageError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if a kiwi boot image does not provide the requested data, e.g kernel, or hypervisor files. """
[docs] class KiwiDiskFormatSetupError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if an attempt was made to create a disk format instance of an unsupported disk format. """
[docs] class KiwiDiskGeometryError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if the disk geometry (partition table) could not be read or evaluated against their expected geometry and capabilities. """
[docs] class KiwiDistributionNameError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if the distribution name could not be found. The information is extracted from the boot attribute of the XML description. If no boot attribute is present or does not match the naming conventions the exception is raised. """
[docs] class KiwiExtensionError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if an extension section of the same namespace is used multiple times as toplevel section within the extension section. Each extension must have a single toplevel entry point qualified by its namespace """
[docs] class KiwiFileNotFound(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if the requested file could not be found. """
[docs] class KiwiFileSystemSetupError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if an attempt was made to build an unsupported or unspecified filesystem. """
[docs] class KiwiFileSystemSyncError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if the data sync from the system into the loop mounted filesystem image failed. """
[docs] class KiwiFormatSetupError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if the requested disk format could not be created. """
[docs] class KiwiHelpNoCommandGiven(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if the request for the help page is executed without a command to show the help for. """
[docs] class KiwiImageResizeError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if the request to resize a disk image failed. Reasons could be a missing raw disk reference or a wrong size specification. """
[docs] class KiwiImportDescriptionError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if the XML description data and scripts could not be imported into the root of the image. """
[docs] class KiwiInstallBootImageError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if the required files to boot an installation image could not be found, e.g kernel or hypervisor. """
[docs] class KiwiInstallMediaError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if a request for an installation media is made but the system image type is not an oem type. """
[docs] class KiwiInstallPhaseFailed(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if the install phase of a system prepare command has failed. """
[docs] class KiwiPackagesDeletePhaseFailed(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if the packages deletion phase in system prepare fails. """
[docs] class KiwiIsoMetaDataError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if an inconsistency in the ISO header was found such like invalid eltorito specification or a broken path table. """
[docs] class KiwiIsoToolError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if an iso helper tool such as isoinfo could not be found on the build system. """
[docs] class KiwiKernelLookupError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if the search for the kernel image file failed """
[docs] class KiwiLiveBootImageError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if an attempt was made to use an unsupported live iso type. """
[docs] class KiwiLuksSetupError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if not enough user data is provided to setup the luks encryption on the given device. """
[docs] class KiwiLoadCommandUndefined(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if no command is specified for a given service on the commandline. """
[docs] class KiwiLogFileSetupFailed(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if the log file could not be created. """
[docs] class KiwiLogSocketSetupFailed(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if the Unix Domain log socket could not be created. """
[docs] class KiwiLoopSetupError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if not enough user data to create a loop device is specified. """
[docs] class KiwiMappedDeviceError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if the device to become mapped does not exist. """
[docs] class KiwiMountKernelFileSystemsError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if a kernel filesystem such as proc or sys could not be mounted. """
[docs] class KiwiMountSharedDirectoryError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if the host <-> image shared directory could not be mounted. """
[docs] class KiwiNotImplementedError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if a functionality is not yet implemented. """
[docs] class KiwiOCIArchiveToolError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if the requested OCI archive tool is not supported """
[docs] class KiwiOSReleaseImportError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if reading etc/os-release caused an issue """
[docs] class KiwiPackageManagerSetupError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if an attempt was made to create a package manager instance for an unsupported package manager. """
[docs] class KiwiPartitionerGptFlagError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if an attempt was made to set an unknown partition flag for an entry in the GPT table. """
[docs] class KiwiPartitionerMsDosFlagError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if an attempt was made to set an unknown partition flag for an entry in the MSDOS table. """
[docs] class KiwiPartitionerSetupError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if an attempt was made to create an instance of a partitioner for an unsupporte partitioner. """
[docs] class KiwiPrivilegesError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if root privileges are required but not granted. """
[docs] class KiwiProfileNotFound(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if a specified profile does not exist in the XML configuration. """
[docs] class KiwiKisBootImageError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if a required boot file e.g the kernel could not be found in the process of building a kis image. """
[docs] class KiwiEnclaveBootImageError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if no kernel image was found while building an enclave image. """
[docs] class KiwiRaidSetupError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if invalid or not enough user data is provided to create a raid array on the specified storage device. """
[docs] class KiwiRepositorySetupError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if an attempt was made to create an instance of a repository for an unsupported package manager. """
[docs] class KiwiRequestedTypeError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if an attempt was made to build an image for an unsupported image type. """
[docs] class KiwiRequestError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if a package request could not be processed by the corresponding package manager instance. """
[docs] class KiwiResizeRawDiskError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if an attempt was made to resize the image disk to a smaller size than the current one. Simply shrinking a disk image file is not possible without data corruption because the partitions were setup to use the entire disk geometry as it fits into the file. A successful shrinking operation would require the filesystems and the partition table to be reduced which is not done by the provided simple storage resize method. In addition without the user overwriting the disk size in the XML setup, kiwi will calculate the minimum required size in order to store the data. Thus in almost all cases it will not be possible to store the data in a smaller disk. """
[docs] class KiwiResultError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if the image build result pickle information could not be created or loaded. """
[docs] class KiwiRootDirExists(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if the specified image root directory already exists and should not be re-used. """
[docs] class KiwiRootInitCreationError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if the initialization of a new image root directory has failed. """
[docs] class KiwiRpmDirNotRemoteError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if the provided rpm-dir repository is not local """
[docs] class KiwiRuntimeConfigFileError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if the provided custom runtime config file could not be found """
[docs] class KiwiRuntimeConfigFormatError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if the expected format in the yaml KIWI runtime config file does not match """
[docs] class KiwiRuntimeError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if a runtime check has failed. """
[docs] class KiwiSatSolverJobError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if a sat solver job can not be done, e.g because the requested package or collection does not exist in the registered repository metadata """
[docs] class KiwiSatSolverJobProblems(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if the sat solver operations returned with solver problems e.g package conflicts """
[docs] class KiwiSatSolverPluginError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if the python solv module failed to load. The solv module is provided by SUSE's rpm package python-solv and provides a python binding to the libsolv C library """
[docs] class KiwiAnyMarkupPluginError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if the python anymarkup module failed to load. """
[docs] class KiwiMarkupConversionError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if the markup format conversion is not possible. """
[docs] class KiwiSchemaImportError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if the schema file could not be read by lxml.RelaxNG. """
[docs] class KiwiScriptFailed(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if a user script returned with an exit code != 0. """
[docs] class KiwiSetupIntermediateConfigError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if the setup of the temporary image system configuration for the duration of the build process has failed. """
[docs] class KiwiSolverRepositorySetupError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if the repository type is not supported for the creation of a SAT solvable """
[docs] class KiwiSystemDeletePackagesFailed(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if the deletion of a package has failed in the corresponding package manager instance. """
[docs] class KiwiSystemInstallPackagesFailed(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if the installation of a package has failed in the corresponding package manager instance. """
[docs] class KiwiSystemUpdateFailed(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if the package upgrade has failed in the corresponding package manager instance. """
[docs] class KiwiTargetDirectoryNotFound(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if the specified target directory to store the image results was not found. """
[docs] class KiwiTemplateError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if the substitution of variables in a configuration file template has failed. """
[docs] class KiwiTypeNotFound(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if no build type was found in the XML description. """
[docs] class KiwiUnknownServiceName(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if an unknown service name was provided on the commandline. """
[docs] class KiwiUriOpenError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if the urllib urlopen request has failed """
[docs] class KiwiUriStyleUnknown(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if an unsupported URI style was used in the source definition of a repository. """
[docs] class KiwiUriTypeUnknown(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if the protocol type of an URI is unknown in the source definition of a repository. """
[docs] class KiwiValidationError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if the XML validation against the schema has failed. """
[docs] class KiwiVhdTagError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if the GUID tag is not provided in the expected format. """
[docs] class KiwiVolumeGroupConflict(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if the requested LVM volume group already is in use on the build system. """
[docs] class KiwiVolumeManagerSetupError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if the preconditions for volume mangement support are not met or an attempt was made to create an instance of a volume manager for an unsupported volume management system. """
[docs] class KiwiVolumeRootIDError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if the root volume can not be found. This concept currently exists only for the btrfs subvolume system. """
[docs] class KiwiRootImportError(KiwiError): """ Exception is raised when something fails during the root import procedure. """
[docs] class KiwiContainerBuilderError(KiwiError): """ Exception is raised when something fails during a container image build procedure. """
[docs] class KiwiSizeError(KiwiError): """ Exception is raised when the convertion from a given size in string format to a number. """
[docs] class KiwiCommandCapabilitiesError(KiwiError): """ Exception is raised when some the CommandCapabilities methods fails, usually meaning there is some issue trying to parse some command output. """
[docs] class KiwiDecodingError(KiwiError): """ Exception is raised on decoding literals failure """
[docs] class KiwiBuildahError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised on inconsistent buildah class calls """
[docs] class KiwiFileAccessError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if accessing a file or its metadata failed """
[docs] class KiwiShellVariableValueError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if a given python value cannot be converted into a string representation for use in shell scripts """
[docs] class KiwiIncludFileNotFoundError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if the file reference in an <include> statement could not be found """
[docs] class KiwiUmountBusyError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if the attempt to umount a resource has failed """
[docs] class KiwiCustomPartitionConflictError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if the entry in a custom partition setup conflicts with an existing partition table layout setting """
[docs] class KiwiVolumeTooSmallError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if the specified volume size is smaller than the required bytes to store the data """
[docs] class KiwiPartitionTooSmallError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if the specified partition size is smaller than the required bytes to store the data """
[docs] class KiwiCredentialsError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if required credentials information is missing """
[docs] class KiwiOffsetError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if the offset for a seek operation does not match the expected data to write """
[docs] class KiwiBootLoaderDiskPasswordError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if the disk password could not be set """
[docs] class KiwiEnclaveFormatError(KiwiError): """ Exception raised if no enclave_format attribute specified for the selected build type """