Runner Setup¶
A runner instance for Cloud Builder is a machine that actually builds packages. The produced binaries stays on that machine and can be fetched on demand for further processing. The runner must be configured for a specific runner group. The runner group name matches the name of the message broker queue/topic name such that only package build requests for this runner group are handled by the associated runner(s). There must be at least one runner for each runner group. If there are more runners the produced build requests will be evenly distributed across the available runners. This is how Cloud Builder scales with the amount of packages to build.
In the example setup of the control plane, the runner group
message topics suse
and fedora
were created. In addition
each of the runner groups was expected to serve 2 runners.
On the basis of this build power 4 runner instances must be
created and configured as follows:
Start runner instances
For the
runner group the Fedora distribution is used. For thesuse
runner group the Leap distribution is used.leap_15_3_ami=ami-0b4f49bedf96b14c9 user_leap=ec2-user fedora_34_ami=ami-0b2a401a8b3f4edd3 user_fedora=fedora
Runner instances requires storage RAM and CPU power. In the cloud all of these components are cost factors. With Cloud Builder it’s possible to differentiate runner groups which can be designed such that there are some powerful and some less powerful machines. For package and/or image builds which are known to consume a lot of resources a runner group can be used that meets these requirements. That way the costs can be balanced.
Install Cloud Builder on the runners
Login to each of the created Leap runner instances and install Cloud Builder as follows:
ssh -i PathToPkeyMatchingMySSHKeyPairName \ ${user_leap}@InstanceIP sudo zypper addrepo cloud-builder sudo zypper install python3-cloud_builder
Login to each of the created Fedora runner instances and install Cloud Builder as follows:
ssh -i PathToPkeyMatchingMySSHKeyPairName \ ${user_fedora}@InstanceIP sudo dnf config-manager \ --add-repo \ --enable --nogpgcheck sudo dnf install python3-cloud_builder
As shown above access to the runners is performaed via
The username to access machines in the cloud can be different compared to the used distribution. In the above example the Fedora based instance provides thefedora
user, whereas the Leap machines provides theec2-user
user. This aspect needs to be taken into account when running instances in the cloud.Note
Fedora systems uses selinux. For building packages and images the security policy could prevent required actions to complete like the creation of a new rpm database in a new root directory. To prevent this make sure selinux is not enforced by calling:
sudo setenforce 0
Create and setup the cb-collect user
In cloud environments the distributors publish cloud images with different predefined user configurations. For example on Fedora instances ssh login is used via
whereas on Leap instances the user setup isec2-user@IP
. Most probably the username will be different on any distribution. As Cloud Builder runners can be instances from different distributions to allow utilizing the native distribution tools to build packages, it is needed to generalize the user and access permissions which are used to access runners for collecting build results or for fetching build information.Login to the control plane.
See Create and Install the Control Plane for details
Fetch the
public and private SSH keys and logout from the control plane.# public key cat ~/.ssh/ # private key cat ~/.ssh/id_cb_collect exit
Create and authorize the
user on this runner.sudo -i useradd -d /home/cb-collect -m cb-collect su -l cb-collect mkdir -m 0700 .ssh touch .ssh/authorized_keys chmod 600 .ssh/authorized_keys touch .ssh/id_cb_collect chmod 600 .ssh/id_cb_collect vi .ssh/authorized_keys Copy & Paste the SSH pubkey as it was printed on the console in step 2. and safe the file vi .ssh/id_cb_collect Copy & Paste the SSH private key as it was printed on the console in step 2. and safe the file exit echo "cb-collect ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL" >> /etc/sudoers exit
Setup broker connection and runner group on the runners
Login to each of the created runner instances and create the file
as follows:sudo vi /etc/cloud_builder_broker.yml
Place the following content:
broker: host: BootstrapServersString this_host: external_IP_or_Hostname_of_this_instance
See the ‘Configure
’ list item in the Create and Install the Control Plane for details how to obtain the broker credentials.Add the following content on the Leap runners only
runner: group: suse
Place the following content on the Fedora runners only
runner: group: fedora
Setup runner services configuration
On the runner several Cloud Builder services like cb-fetch-once, cb-info or cb-scheduler will be started. All of these services reads configuration parameters from the file
Login to each of the created runner instances and setup the following settings:- git package source connection:
The below setting is the default after install of Cloud Builder. The used CB_PROJECT git repository is the Cloud Builder provided example git repo containing some arbitrary package sources. It only serves the purpose to let users test and run Cloud Builder. For production change this value to your git project
- package/image build limit:
Every runner comes with a build limit. This is the number of simultaneously allowed build processes. If the limit is hit the runner closes its connection to the message broker until the number is below the maximum. For Apache kafka the close of the connection of a consumer will cause a rebalance of all other still connected consumers. This is an expensive operation and should be avoided. The Cloud Builder set maximum of 10 package builds at the same time is relatively conservative. It depends on the selected instance type/memory and disk space to select an appropriate value. If in doubt give it a try with the default setting, but keep in mind about this value, especially for production use.
- info response type:
The way how the
service responds can be used to speedup those services which requests information from it. By default thecb-info
only responds if it has information for the requested package or image and does nothing in any other case.Each runner provides an info service. On request multiple info services could respond with information about a package/image. As the requester doesn’t know how many answers completes the record, the default behavior is to wait for a configurable time of silence on the response queue before handing control back to the user and working on the results.
If the response type of the
service is configured to respond always, even if there is no information about the requested package/image, this gives the requester a chance to count the number of responses and compare it with the number of available runners in the cluster. If it’s clear there won’t be more answers, the requester can stop waiting and this reduces the idle time on the requester side.Without the requester’s ability to count and compare the answers, there is also the risk that the wait time was not long enough to retrieve all answers from the
services in the system. Thus the recommendation is to configure theCB_INFO_RESPONSE_TYPE
to respond always and specify therunner_count
value in thecb-ctl
setup file~/.config/cb/cbctl.yml
serviceLogin to each of the created runner instances and fetch the package source git once as follows:
sudo systemctl start cb-fetch-once
This will clone the configured CB_PROJECT git repo once on the system. The
service cares for the repo update viagit pull
on demandStart
servicesLogin to each of the created runner instances and start the scheduler and info services as follows:
sudo systemctl start cb-scheduler sudo systemctl start cb-info
Congrats, the Cloud Builder package build backend is now running and can build packages for Fedore/RHEL and SUSE/SLES based packages. There are two runners available for each of these vendors.
Learn how to build the first package next: Request a Package Build