Setup Cloud Builder From AMIs


This document provides information how to setup Cloud Builder from the AMI (Amazon Machine Images) registered in Amazon EC2. As of now the AMIs are not part of the general catalog and needs to be shared by me with interested people. Therefore the following procedure can only work if you reach out to me such that I can share the required AMI IDs with your Amazon account.

For a simple and straight forward way to setup Cloud Builder in Amazon, three pre-configured AMIs were registered. One to create an instance for the control-plane, one for creating a collector instance and one for creating [N with N>=1] runner instances. All AMIs are based on the Fedora distribution and comes with many tools from other distributions pre-installed, such that the runners can build packages and images for a variety of different distributions.



Prior launching AWS services, it’s important to understand that infrastructure as a service produces costs. The following procedure is done in a low cost model but is not free of charge. Take this into account when working with the cloud.

The setup procedure will use the Amazon MSK (Kafka) service as well as the Amazon EC2 (Compute Nodes) service. For launching, it’s required to know about the security group and subnets within the services should be launched. The following steps assumes some experience with the AWS cloud environment and does not deeply explain the concepts used outside of the scope of the Cloud Builder setup.

Fetch the security group ID as follows:

aws ec2 describe-security-groups

Fetch the subnet IDs from available regions as follows:

aws ec2 describe-subnets

Create Cluster

  1. Launch Amazon MSK:

    Create the file cb-msk-setup.json with the following content:

        "InstanceType": "kafka.t3.small",
        "BrokerAZDistribution": "DEFAULT",
        "SecurityGroups": [
        "StorageInfo": {
            "EbsStorageInfo": {
                "VolumeSize": 1
        "ClientSubnets": [

    Start the messaging API as follows:

    aws kafka create-cluster \
        --cluster-name "cloud-builder" \
        --broker-node-group-info file://cb-msk-setup.json \
        --encryption-info EncryptionInTransit={ClientBroker="PLAINTEXT"} \
        --kafka-version "2.6.2" \
        --number-of-broker-nodes 2
        aws kafka list-clusters --cluster-name-filter cloud-builder | \
        grep ClusterArn | cut -f4 -d\"


    The create-cluster call describes itself with a ClusterArn value which gets stored in the $ClusterArn shell variable. This value is needed for any operation to retrieve information from the MSK service

    The startup of the MSK service can take several minutes. During that time call the following command to fetch the zookeeper connection string. Please note as long as the cluster is in state CREATING there will be no zookeeper connection string printed:

    aws kafka describe-cluster --cluster-arn ${ClusterArn}


    Do not continue until there is a ZookeeperConnectString

  2. Checkout the CB git repository:

    For provisioning of the cluster some helper scripts are provided in the git sources of Cloud Builder

    git clone
  3. Launch the Control Plane, Collector(RepoServer) and Runners(2):

    The simple cluster as described here consists out of a control plane, two runners and one collector which serves as the repo server. To start these instances edit the file provision_helper/cb_run_cluster_instances from the git checkout and update the following setting to match your AWS EC2 cloud service:

    # Name of ssh key pair which you have registered in EC2

    Once done create the instances as follows:



    Do not continue after all instances are in Running state

  4. Provision Cloud Builder Services:

    To provision the cluster edit the file provision_helper/cb_provision_cluster and update the following settings to match your AWS EC2 cloud service:

    # Path to private key which allows access to your EC2 instances
    # Path to source repo with your packages/images

    Once done provision the cluster as follows:

  5. Setup cb-ctl:

    To work with the cluster the cb-ctl utility needs to be configured. Edit the file provision_helper/cb_setup_cb_ctl and update the following settings to match your AWS EC2 cloud service:

    # Path to private key which allows access to your EC2 instances

    Once done call:



    The setup of cb-ctl uses the use_control_plane_as_proxy configuration setting. This is the easiest way to connect to the cluster and uses the control plane as a proxy through SSH. However, this method is also the least performant one. For a production use either work with cb-ctl directly from the control plane or create a VPN connection to the VPC running in the cloud.

  6. Build A thing:

    Finally use your Cloud Builder cluster to build something. In this setup method the example git repo was used. You don’t have to check it out to send build requests to the cluster but it makes the work easier because you can read the git and see how the packages are setup and which parameters needs to be passed to cb-ctl. To build the lovely xclock package for SUSE Tumbleweed call the following:

    cb-ctl --build-package xclock --project-path MS \
        --arch x86_64 --dist TW --runner-group fedora
    cb-ctl --build-log xclock --project-path MS --keep-open \
        --arch x86_64 --dist TW

    Once done the repository with the package will appear on the collector. Point your preferred web browser to the collector instance as follows:

        aws ec2 describe-instances --filters "Name=tag-value,Values=cb-collect" | \
        grep -m 1 PublicDnsName | cut -f4 -d\"
    firefox http://${RepoServer}


    This requires the HTTP/HTTPS port to be opened in the security group assigned to the collector instance !

    The URL on the collector (aka RepoServer) can also be used in package managers to fetch and install the package(s).


    As of today the packages and repositories created by Cloud Builder are not signed.