.. _db_kiwi_image_resize: kiwi-ng image resize ==================== .. _db_kiwi_image_resize_synopsis: SYNOPSIS -------- .. code:: bash kiwi-ng [global options] service [] kiwi-ng image resize -h | --help kiwi-ng image resize --target-dir= --size= [--root=] kiwi-ng image resize help .. _db_kiwi_image_resize_desc: DESCRIPTION ----------- For disk based images, allow to resize the image to a new disk geometry. The additional space is free and not in use by the image. The OEM boot code in {kiwi} offers a resizing procedure that can be used to make use of the additional free space. For OEM image builds, it is advisable to run the resizing operation. .. _db_kiwi_image_resize_opts: OPTIONS ------- --root= The path to the root directory. If not specified, kiwi searches the root directory in build/image-root under the specified target directory. --size= New size of the image. The value is either a size in bytes, or it can be specified with m (MB) or g (GB). Example: 20g --target-dir= Directory containing the kiwi build results.