Source code for kiwi.boot.image.base

# Copyright (c) 2015 SUSE Linux GmbH.  All rights reserved.
# This file is part of kiwi.
# kiwi is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# kiwi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with kiwi.  If not, see <>
import re
import os
import logging
import glob
from typing import (
    Optional, List, Dict, NamedTuple

# project
from kiwi.defaults import Defaults
from kiwi.system.setup import SystemSetup
from kiwi.system.identifier import SystemIdentifier
from kiwi.xml_description import XMLDescription
from kiwi.xml_state import XMLState
from kiwi.path import Path
from kiwi.system.kernel import Kernel

from kiwi.exceptions import (

boot_names_type = NamedTuple(
    'boot_names_type', [
        ('kernel_name', str),
        ('initrd_name', str),
        ('kernel_version', str),
        ('kernel_filename', str)

log = logging.getLogger('kiwi')

[docs] class BootImageBase: """ **Base class for boot image(initrd) task** """ def __init__( self, xml_state: XMLState, target_dir: str, root_dir: Optional[str] = None, signing_keys: Optional[List[str]] = None, target_arch: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: """ Create a base class instance of a BootImage The base class instance only support the common operations for boot images. The actual preparation and creation of an initrd is specific to the used initrd creation toolchain :param XMLState xml_state: Instance of :class:`XMLState` :param str target_dir: target dir to store the initrd :param str root_dir: system image root directory :param List[str] signing_keys: list of package signing keys :param str target_arch: target architecture """ self.xml_state = xml_state self.target_dir = target_dir self.initrd_filename = '' self.boot_xml_state: Optional[XMLState] = None self.setup: Optional[SystemSetup] = None self.signing_keys = signing_keys self.target_arch = target_arch self.boot_root_directory = root_dir or '' if not os.path.exists(target_dir): raise KiwiTargetDirectoryNotFound( 'target directory %s not found' % target_dir ) self.initrd_base_name = ''.join( [ self.xml_state.xml_data.get_name(), '.' + Defaults.get_platform_name(), '-' + self.xml_state.get_image_version(), '.initrd' ] ) self.post_init()
[docs] def post_init(self) -> None: """ Post initialization method Implementation in specialized boot image class """ pass
[docs] @staticmethod def has_initrd_support() -> bool: """ Indicates if this instance supports actual creation of an initrd The method needs to be overwritten by the subclass implementing preparation and creation of an initrd """ return False
[docs] def include_file(self, filename: str, install_media: bool = False) -> None: """ Include file to boot image For kiwi boot images this is done by adding package or archive definitions with the bootinclude attribute. Thus for kiwi boot images the method is a noop :param str filename: file path name :param bool install_media: include also for installation media initrd """ pass
[docs] def include_module(self, module: str, install_media: bool = False) -> None: """ Include module to boot image For kiwi boot no modules configuration is required. Thus in such a case this method is a noop. :param str module: module to include :param bool install_media: include the module for install initrds """ pass
[docs] def omit_module(self, module: str, install_media: bool = False) -> None: """ Omit module to boot image For kiwi boot no modules configuration is required. Thus in such a case this method is a noop. :param str module: module to omit :param bool install_media: omit the module for install initrds """ pass
[docs] def set_static_modules( self, modules: List[str], install_media: bool = False ) -> None: """ Set static modules list for boot image For kiwi boot no modules configuration is required. Thus in such a case this method is a noop. :param list modules: list of modules to include :param bool install_media: lists the modules for install initrds """ pass
[docs] def write_system_config_file( self, config: Dict, config_file: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: """ Writes relevant boot image configuration into configuration file that will be part of the system image. This is used to configure any further boot image rebuilds after deployment. For instance, initrds recreated on kernel update. For kiwi boot no specific configuration is required for initrds recreation, thus this method is a noop in that case. :param dict config: dictonary including configuration parameters :param str config_file: configuration file to write """ pass
[docs] def get_boot_names(self) -> boot_names_type: """ Provides kernel and initrd names for the boot image :return: Contains boot_names_type tuple .. code:: python boot_names_type( kernel_name='INSTALLED_KERNEL', initrd_name='DRACUT_OUTPUT_NAME', kernel_version='KERNEL_VERSION', kernel_filename='KERNEL_FILE_NAME' ) :rtype: boot_names_type """ kernel = Kernel( self.boot_root_directory ) kernel_info = kernel.get_kernel() if not kernel_info: if self.xml_state.get_initrd_system() == 'none': return boot_names_type( kernel_name='none', initrd_name='none', kernel_version='none', kernel_filename='none' ) raise KiwiDiskBootImageError( 'No kernel in boot image tree %s found' % self.boot_root_directory ) dracut_output_format = self._get_boot_image_output_file_format( kernel_info.version ) return boot_names_type( kernel_version=kernel_info.version,, initrd_name=dracut_output_format.format( kernel_version=kernel_info.version ), kernel_filename=kernel_info.filename )
[docs] def prepare(self) -> None: """ Prepare new root system to create initrd from. Implementation is only needed if there is no other root system available Implementation in specialized boot image class """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def create_initrd( self, mbrid: Optional[SystemIdentifier] = None, basename: Optional[str] = None, install_initrd: bool = False ) -> None: """ Implements creation of the initrd :param SystemIdentifier mbrid: instance of SystemIdentifier :param str basename: base initrd file name :param bool install_initrd: installation media initrd Implementation in specialized boot image class """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def is_prepared(self) -> bool: """ Check if initrd system is prepared. :return: True or False :rtype: bool """ return bool(os.listdir(self.boot_root_directory))
[docs] def load_boot_xml_description(self) -> None: """ Load the boot image description referenced by the system image description boot attribute """'Loading Boot XML description') boot_description_directory = self.get_boot_description_directory() if not boot_description_directory: raise KiwiConfigFileNotFound( 'no boot reference specified in XML description' ) boot_config_file = boot_description_directory + '/config.xml' if not os.path.exists(boot_config_file): raise KiwiConfigFileNotFound( 'no Boot XML description found in %s' % boot_description_directory ) boot_description = XMLDescription( description=boot_config_file, derived_from=self.xml_state.xml_data.description_dir ) boot_image_profile = self.xml_state.build_type.get_bootprofile() if not boot_image_profile: boot_image_profile = 'default' boot_kernel_profile = self.xml_state.build_type.get_bootkernel() if not boot_kernel_profile: boot_kernel_profile = 'std' self.boot_xml_state = XMLState( boot_description.load(), [boot_image_profile, boot_kernel_profile] )'--> loaded %s', boot_config_file) if self.boot_xml_state.build_type: '--> Selected build type: %s', self.boot_xml_state.get_build_type_name() ) if self.boot_xml_state.profiles: '--> Selected boot profiles: image: %s, kernel: %s', boot_image_profile, boot_kernel_profile )
[docs] def import_system_description_elements(self) -> None: """ Copy information from the system image relevant to create the boot image to the boot image state XML description """ self.xml_state.copy_displayname( self.boot_xml_state ) self.xml_state.copy_name( self.boot_xml_state ) self.xml_state.copy_repository_sections( target_state=self.boot_xml_state, wipe=True ) self.xml_state.copy_drivers_sections( self.boot_xml_state ) strip_description = XMLDescription( Defaults.get_boot_image_strip_file() ) strip_xml_state = XMLState(strip_description.load()) strip_xml_state.copy_strip_sections( self.boot_xml_state ) self.xml_state.copy_strip_sections( self.boot_xml_state ) preferences_subsection_names = [ 'bootloader_theme', 'bootsplash_theme', 'locale', 'packagemanager', 'rpm_check_signatures', 'rpm_excludedocs', 'showlicense' ] self.xml_state.copy_preferences_subsections( preferences_subsection_names, self.boot_xml_state ) self.xml_state.copy_bootincluded_packages( self.boot_xml_state ) self.xml_state.copy_bootincluded_archives( self.boot_xml_state ) self.xml_state.copy_bootdelete_packages( self.boot_xml_state ) type_attributes = [ 'bootkernel', 'bootprofile', 'btrfs_root_is_snapshot', 'gpt_hybrid_mbr', 'devicepersistency', 'filesystem', 'firmware', 'fsmountoptions', 'hybridpersistent', 'hybridpersistent_filesystem', 'initrd_system', 'installboot', 'installprovidefailsafe', 'kernelcmdline', 'ramonly', 'target_removable', 'vga', 'wwid_wait_timeout' ] self.xml_state.copy_build_type_attributes( type_attributes, self.boot_xml_state ) self.xml_state.copy_bootloader_section( self.boot_xml_state ) self.xml_state.copy_systemdisk_section( self.boot_xml_state ) self.xml_state.copy_machine_section( self.boot_xml_state ) self.xml_state.copy_oemconfig_section( self.boot_xml_state )
[docs] def get_boot_description_directory(self) -> Optional[str]: """ Provide path to the boot image XML description :return: path name :rtype: str """ boot_description = self.xml_state.build_type.get_boot() if boot_description: if not boot_description[0] == '/': boot_description = \ Defaults.get_boot_image_description_path() + '/' + \ boot_description return boot_description
[docs] def cleanup(self) -> None: """ Cleanup temporary boot image data if any """ pass
def _get_boot_image_output_file_format(self, kernel_version: str) -> str: """ The initrd output file format varies between the different Linux distributions. Tools like lsinitrd, and also grub2 rely on the initrd output file to be in that format. Thus kiwi should use the same file format to stay compatible with the distributions. The format is determined in three stages: a) check for an existing initrd file and use this naming schema b) if no initrd file is found check the dracut binary for its default output file name schema c) if no output file schema could be detected from the dracut binary return a default output file format which is initramfs-{kernel_version}.img Let's hope all this mess can be deleted once all distros just can agree on one initrd file name schema """ if self.xml_state.get_initrd_system() == 'kiwi': # The custom kiwi initrd system is used only on SUSE systems. # The initrd environment does not provide dracut and thus the # outfile format cannot be determined. on SUSE systems the # initrd format is different than on upstream and therefore # it can be explicitly specified. Note that the custom initrd # system will become obsolete in the future. default_outfile_format = 'initrd-{kernel_version}' else: default_outfile_format = 'initramfs-{kernel_version}.img' outfile_format = \ self._get_boot_image_output_file_format_from_existing_file( kernel_version ) if not outfile_format: outfile_format = \ self._get_boot_image_output_file_format_from_dracut_code() if outfile_format: return outfile_format else: log.warning('Could not detect dracut output file format') log.warning( 'Using default initrd file name format {0}'.format( default_outfile_format ) ) return default_outfile_format def _get_boot_image_output_file_format_from_dracut_code( self ) -> Optional[str]: dracut_tool = Path.which( 'dracut', root_dir=self.boot_root_directory, access_mode=os.X_OK ) if dracut_tool: outfile_expression = r'outfile=".*/boot/(init.*kernel.*)"' with open(dracut_tool) as dracut: matches = re.findall(outfile_expression, if matches: return matches[0].replace( '$kernel', '{kernel_version}' ).replace( '${kernel}', '{kernel_version}' ) return None def _get_boot_image_output_file_format_from_existing_file( self, kernel_version: str ) -> Optional[str]: for initrd_file in glob.iglob(self.boot_root_directory + '/boot/init*'): if not os.path.islink(initrd_file): return os.path.basename(initrd_file).replace( kernel_version, '{kernel_version}' ) return None